Hehe, I love that song... gotta love Janet.:) Man, so much crazy shit going on that I HAVE to update in such a fashion. Those who've been here a while will notice this looks familiar.
Things That Annoy the Shit Outta Me: Version 2.0.....
1. Jonathan Pucci - My idiotic, redneck, deer-hunting, right wing, George W. loving, money-grubbing boss.
2. Working - I like making my own money, but the process of doing so is a bitch.
3. Mornings - I was born at 7:39p.m. in September, it's pitch dark by that time in that part of the year!
4. Ignorant muthafuckas - "Oh no, you're a good black person. Because when I'm around you I don't have to hold my purse tighter..... and you speak so well.... for a black man." FUCK ANYONE who thinks like this!!!!!
5. Ohio State University - Way to celebrate mediocrity dipshits! Do they have ANY outstanding fields because I'd like to know! U of M has one of THE best undergraduate business schools, engineering programs, and medical programs in the country! And 90% of our incoming students graduated in the top 10% of their class! Hail to the victors you fucking buckeyed bitches!
6. Ricers and the people who love them - You say it's fast and furious, I say it's sad and pathetic.
7. Sexy Back - That song is fucking awful. I'm beginning to think he gets kicked in the nuts before each recording so that he can hit those freakishly high notes.
8. Girls who wear granny panties - Bitch, go to Fredericks of Hollywood or Victoria's Secret and invest in some smaller draws and/or some sexy boy shorts.
9. People who use the word "like" as every other word in a sentence - So could you like learn to speak better like SOON?!?!
10. Naruto fillers - Could we possibly get back to the main plot?
11. Bleach fillers - Could we possibly get back to the main plot? (please do not spoil or I WILL thrash you!)
12. Flakey ass bitches - I don't think I need to elaborate.
13. Paris Hilton - Why is she considered hot? Unless you like chicks with one eye bigger than the other and the body of a annorexic ten year old boy then she's all your's.
14. Nuclear weapons - One of those technologies that you wish we never really stumbled upon.
15. English dubbed Naruto - the English language destroys yet another good anime series.
16. Working on Saturdays
17. Missing college football
18. Reality TV as a whole - Sam, how could America's Next Top Model POSSIBLY be a good show??? This shit is so-- Wait, hot brunette is having an audition.
19. Next--> - Fuck Easy Mac, that show is the CHEESIEST! Douchebag 1: Well she just "nexted" me after only two seconds so that means you're up. Douchebag 2: Alright fellas, I'm about to show this cowgirl how to ride the pony. LAME!!!
20. Terrorists - Stop fucking with society for a change will ya?!?!
21. People who have dogs that are too damned old to do ANYTHING! - If your dog was around during the Reagan administration, it might be high time to Ol' Yeller his ass!
22. Novi, Michigan - What a town of fucktards! If you read my "Choose Your Rant" post, you'll know why.
23. Big fat nasty cellulite ass - There's a difference between a nice ass, and a big fat ass. Stretchmarks and cellulite does not appeal to me at all. Just because you can make it clap doesn't mean it's good.
24. Hoodrats - Most people are under the impression now that I don't like black women..... I just don't like hoodrats. There's some rather intelligible and well-mannered sistas out there (e.g. Beyonce Knowles, Gabrielle Union, Tyra Banks, Halle Berry, Golden Brooks to name a few) that catch my interest. I'm just not feeling the hoodrat mentality is all.
25. .hack//SIGN - If you love boring and uneventful..... watch this anime.
26. People who put carpet in their kitchen and/or bathroom - A question comes into play..... "WHY?" All that shit that spills on the kitchen floor, and all the pee that splashes on the floor around the toilet and you wanna have CARPET in there? If I mentioned sanitary to these people I'd probably get the deer-in-headlights glare from them.
27. Lawyers - Once again, their money is made off of divorce, injuries, and getting the "guilty as sin" back on the streets. Sure these are all the negative aspects of a lawyer but the few have ruined it for the majority, I've always had a disdain for the profession as long as I can remember.
28. Insurance agencies - So lemme get this straight: I get in a car accident, that wasn't my fault, I pay you $300/month to insure me, then you don't cover me, and then you raise my premiums for some shit I didn't even do. And if NOTHING happens to me, I don't see that money ever again??? I didn't know they legalized racketeering.
29. Shit talkers - No I'm not buying your wolf tickets.
30. Spoilers - No I don't know what happened on Bleach episode 96 and I don't wanna know dickmilk! Let me find out my damned self!
31. Tribal Tattoos - It's a bunch of jagged meaningless lines. Until I see you in a loincloth and a spear carved from a stone or some animals' bones.... then and ONLY then it's cool to have tribal tats.
32. Daewoo - You know why.
33. Those people who call you and talk about NOTHING!
34. LJ Drama - Internet arguments only end in both parties sounding dumber and everybody and they're daddy being able to view your stupidity.
35. Road construction
36. People that pee RIGHT next to me in public bathrooms when there are ten vacant urinals.
37. Michael Bay movies - Pearl Harbor.... enough said.
38. Country music
39. Stories that lead ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE - I remember my dad was lecturing me on doing so well in college.... then somewhere down the line he ventured off into talking about Martha Stewart cookware.
40 Northwest Airlines - I lost a day thanks to them when I went to Florida last year.
41. Hot days in an air conditionedless house - where it's so hot you can see the crucifix on the wall sweating.
That's all I can think of for now.