I thought

May 29, 2012 21:02

It would be appropriate to write in my livejournal tonight. I've been in total disbelief since hearing of the passing of Doug Luke. Livejournal reminds me of my first years living in Buffalo. My friends and I used LJ to communicate, to snoop, to be curious, and to get things off our chests... It was a precursor to Facebook, but almost better than Facebook, which I find to be over-saturated.

Anyhow, I met Doug when he was baby-faced and singing for Corpus Dei. He was one of those dudes who genuinely seemed to respect women, and well, people in general. Doug's LJ was one of those handful of people I actually looked forward to reading... Back in the day, the two went hand in hand.

I want to add that yes, he may have been flawed, but we all are to some degree. If someone can use him as an example to help better themselves, then let that be part of Doug's legacy. Do not let someone else's thoughts spoil your process to grieve.

Doug, you always made me smile, and it was a great pleasure to have known you. I am still waiting to hear this is one macabre joke, but I have a feeling it's not... Til next time Doug.

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