Jun 02, 2011 01:22
In the vast world of the internet I have learned many new things, seen many new images, and laughed at many jokes. I am now however, bored with this wealth of information. I never thought the day would arrive when I put down my laptop in boredom and picked up of all things *GASP* a book. I know I felt faint at first too, but really, this old fashioned reading thing isn't too bad. My eyes aren't even blurry after a few hours like they are after a few hours reading the fine print on the laptop screen. It's a miracle, shout it to the heavens, run down the halls screaming with glee.....
Okay maybe slight exaggeration.
I have started my new story finally. A novel with an Uber version of my two favorite leading ladies on tv...... I have a few pages written and will post on my 'fictionpress' account under my call sign: Mochamaker after the stupid 48 hour hold is lifted. How dumb to put a hold to prevent 'abuse' of privilages, I'm not fucking five ya know. Okay done ranting.
I sent off to 'The Atheneum' and to "Passion and Perfection' websites but I still haven't heard back. It's only been 5 days but damnit email me back that you recieved my fucking submissions. Now done ranting.
It's lightening outside and thunder rumbles. I like it and I hate it.
Listening to my 'Story of Us' by Sarah Fimm and making an outline for my next several chapters. This writing isn't as easy as I first assumed; it's alot like playing chess. I must map out my chapters, outline my dialogues, Italics the 'main focus' of the chapter, and have a goal for the end of the chapters and the end of the 'story'. LOTs of WORK. When I feel the pressure and the block building up in my psyche, I just take a quick detour over to FF.net and pen out a HOT SMUT story. Seems to help the juices flow as it were.
Kay night LJ.