Jun 05, 2008 11:47
The Pasadena book fair last weekend was quite productive (even profitable!), although every year the dealer list gets shorter...unclear of show management will be able to justify it again next year without some clever rethinking. Still, we got to see favorite customers and good friends among the dealers and the weather was pleasant enough, even in Bakersfield where we stopped to see the Aged P coming and going.
He's looking and sounding ever frailer so I've decided to go down again for Father's Day. He loves the company but he doesn't have the strength for a long visit, so to justify the travel time, I'll go on down to SD for a quick visit with K&C and book scout since there won't be time to do any of that during Comic-Con in July. on Wednesday I'll treat myself to another visit with the BPAL folks on Wednesday during Will-Call where I'll get a chance to sniff lots of the recent Carnival Diabolique update and whatever new treats go live on the full moon. Then spend Wednesday night and a couple of hours on Thursday with the dad before dragging myself back home. I may be a zombie by then.
Today, though, I need to finish a pair of socks for B's sister N's birthday this weekend -- halfway down the second foot, so I plan to be done tonight when sister CJ comes over to make flight arrangements for her July trip. She'll take the socks down to N and as I am the family's designated tech goddess, I'll help her with internet bookings. I've already spent hours working out travel plans for Houston/Boston in November and now I'm looking for a feasible flight to Paris (eep!) in October, to visit friends with a flat there. They've invited us repeatedly, but the schedule has always been challenging. It still is, but since the fares look like they'll just keep going up, we're going to try to do it this year. Film at 11.
On the garden front, the hostas we planted under the shady windows are blissfully happy and starting to bloom, and happily, the rhododendrons along the new deer fence seem to have recovered from the twin shock of transplanting and a sudden heat wave. Now I need to get the Twickell and Hidcote lavenders into the ground so they can start expanding.
Meanwhile, there are still some 20 banker boxes full of books from the fair stacked up on the porch outside my office that need to be unpacked and reshelved. Who needs a gym membership?