Oct 29, 2006 18:11
I had my post all ready to go, all about petting the relieved cat and getting over jetlag and climbing up on the roof to clean out gutters in the lovely golden light of an autumn afternoon...
Then we had a power glitch just strong enough to shut down my computer and I discovered I had forgotten to set the prefs for iJournal to autosave my typing. Drat. and other less mild expressions of annoyance.
We got back last night from the remainder show in Chicago just after midnight or just after 11, depending on whether or not the clocks had already been turned back (I managed to turn back the one in the car). B was so glad to be home that he leapt up this morning to go for a run and came back to start work on blowing leaves off the garage roof and the front drive and walk. I even did my bit by climbing up on the roof to empty the gutters of the accumulated wet pine needles and dry oak leaves. I only did the exciting sides of the house though, where the drop is more than two stories. B was quite grateful.
Well, at least I've got autosave turned on now. And it was much easier to type this time without cat's tail switching back and forth over the keyboard. She's glad we're home, but resents the attention to the computer when there's a perfectly good feline who would enjoy some extra petting.