Three updates in two days, you guys are blessed. However, they are only memes. Feel free to do all, one, two, or even none, of them. :)
01 Stolen from
Post a picture in my comments that you think describes me when you think about what/who I am. No matter how surreal or plain. Give no written explanation. Just an image.
02 Stolen from
madamclaire &
The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.
Then post this in your LJ & find out what people don’t know about you.
03 Stolen from
In your own handwriting...
1. Write your username.
2. Write your two favourite bands/groups of the moment.
3. Write something you ♥, AKA lemme see your heart.
4. Write the name of your favourite person of all time.
5. Write the name of your recent favoured person.
6. Tag 6 people to do this meme.
Click to make the image bigger.