meme city.

Sep 26, 2009 23:10

Here’s some memes to keep you going until I do a proper update - which should hopefully be soon seeing as I have my laptop back... although uni has started, so we’ll see!

Stolen from meri_sielu:

Desktop Wallpaper Meme

* Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme & their current wallpaper.
* Explain in no more than five sentences why you’re using that wallpaper!
* Don’t change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

I can’t be bothered to take a picture & upload it, but this is the picture that is currently my desktop. It’s me & Davey Havok at Reading Festival this year. ♥

Leave me a comment saying “Don’t bring me back!”,
I’ll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post & offer to ask other people questions.

bakacoconut69’s Qs:

1) How did you come up with your username? I’m interested in hooliganism, mobs, gangsters, etc. & the culture behind the whole thing, why people wish to beat people up for fun, what happens when a group of people get together & do something they would never normally do... Hence my name.
2) What would you say your main passion in life is? I get little obsessions about things quite easily, but I’ve always loved creative writing even if I don’t do it that often anymore.
3) What is your favourite quote & why? “The earth has skin, & that skin has diseases; & one of those diseases is called man.” Frederich Nietzsche. Why? I don’t know, I’m a pessimist I guess & I think it’s pretty true.
4) If you could visit any country free of charge, spending money included, which would you pick & why? New Zealand because I’ve always wanted to go but it’s too bloody far away & if someone could pay First Class for me then that would be great.
5) Do you have a zombie apocalypse survival plan? If so, what is it? Don’t get bitten, stock pile food & always carry a weapon, plus touch up on my martial arts skillage!

killerrrcocopop’s Qs:

1) What will your next tattoo be? Preferiría que me odiaran por lo que soy a que me amaran por lo que no soy. I’m not entirely sure what font to have it in or where to have it yet... Going to need some advice on that!
2) What makes you want to work with children? I love kids & I had a shitty childhood so I’d love to be able to make just one kid’s better than mine. Also, I don’t plan on having any children & it’s always nice to give them back at the end of the day, haha.
3) What is it like for your Mum to spend so much time abroad? It’s okay, actually, makes me appreciate her more when she’s here, although she of course still pisses me off when she’s around (& when she’s not here). I’m happy she’s getting to do what she’s always wanted to do, & that she’s taking positive steps to sort out her problems, but it does kind of piss me off that she was able to swan off to another country to deal with her debts whereas Dad & I have to deal with them here. But anyway, it doesn’t pay to be bitter.
4) Pie & mash or fish & chips? FISH & CHIPS ALL THE WAY.
5) When was the last time you felt really happy, & why was it so good? You know what? I don’t know. I think it’s been a long time. In recent times I remember the rare times I’d be in bed with Daniel (probably on a Sunday morning, probably hungover) & we’d be snuggling together in bed. He’d be so lovely to me & I just felt like everything was right... even though maybe even then, underneath, I’d know it wasn’t entirely real, but still, at that moment it made my heart swell.

Stolen from jessicka_harlot:

Do you put yourself or others first? I used to put others first all the time but I’m sick & tired of getting pissed on so I’m starting to put myself first these days.
How many people are there that you would you die for? Honestly? I don’t know. Maybe three, maybe more, maybe none. I don’t think I’d know until it came down to it.
Do you like helping others? Yes, but only if it’s not going to fuck me over.
Can you adapt to almost anything to make others happy? I’m a chameleon - sometimes this is a good thing, others this is very bad. I need to learn what it takes to make me happy & not just others.
Do you ever do something you don’t want to to make others happy? I’d love to say no but a lot of my relationships have been this way. For example, I stopped getting tattoos & piercings to try & make things work with Daniel. When I realised it wasn’t going to work no matter what it made things a lot different.

Are you a leader or a follower? A bit of both.
Are you conceited? I can be vain but I try not to be too up myself - although a little confidence can’t hurt.
Are you completely random? I like to say oranges & 4 o’clock a lot. I don’t try to be random on purpose but my train of thought can be pretty whack at times.
Are you a conformist or nonconformist? I’m different - just like everybody else.
Are you shy or outgoing? Both. Is that possible? I guess so, it depends on my mood.

Do you spend a lot of time just thinking? Too much.
Do you over-analyse? Yes.
Do you express yourself better verbally or physically? Through writing. Is that physical?
Are you spiritual? Yes.
Do you like writing or sharing your opinion with others? If I didn’t why would I have a journal?

Do you believe in karma? It’s the only thing I do believe in.
Are you a sociable person? When I choose to be.
Do you believe beauty’s on the inside? A lot of beautiful people are vapid, but unfortunately you can’t fuck someone’s personality. You have to find the right balance.
Are you generous? As long as it doesn’t lead to me being shat on.
Are you loving? I used to be.


Are you energetic? When I exercise.
Are you passionate? It’s in my nature but I can be just as not bothered as I can be passionate.
Do you always have to keep moving? No, I can be very lazy!
Do you speak the truth, even if you know others won’t? I’d love to say yes but not always. I can be two-faced.
Are you confident? At times.

Are you trusting? Not really.
Do you constantly question our meaning? Sometimes but if you do it too much then you’ll just end up getting confused.
Do you rely on a higher power? Not at all.
Are you optimistic? My driving instructor said to me that I’m an optimist trapped in a pessimist’s body, I think this is a very true statement.
Interested in philosophy? Usually when drunk.

Are you responsible? I look after peoples’ kids, I have to be at least a little bit responsible even if I don’t always feel that grown up.
Are you more comfortable having clear limits & boundaries? Yes & no. Boundaries & limits can always be pushed but it’s good to know where to start.
Are you a perfectionist? Yes.
Does everything have to go according to plan? Not always but it’s nice if you arrange something & people actually turn up, for example. I’m not bitter.
Do you get frustrated with people who are more “go with the flow”? Not really but I do like to have some sort of idea what’s going on.

Do you think for yourself? Yes.
Are you strong-minded? Mostly.
Are you creative? Quite, but not as much as I’d like to be.
Do you like change or the same routine? I like a bit of both, keep it interesting.
Do you have a bad temper? Dreadful.

Are you a dreamer? Yeah.
Does your freedom come through your imagination? A lot of it.
Are you mysterious? Not always but people tend to get that air around me.
Are you a good liar? Yes, although I don’t really like to do it.
Have you ever had a bad addiction? A few. Most of them are gone now, but not all.

Are you a control freak? No but I like to get things my own way. (So true, Gem.)
Are you afraid of the unknown or are YOU the unknown? Oh dear God. I refuse to answer that Q.
Do you hide your true self? Yes.
Are most of your battles internal or external? Internal.
Are you cold or warm-hearted? I like to think I’m cold hearted but I just want to be loved.

Final one! From bakacoconut69:

1. If you’re on my friends list, I want to know 35 things about you. I don’t care if we never talk, or if we already know everything about each other. Short & sweet is fine.

2. Comment here with your answers & repost the questionnaire on your own journal.

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
02) What was your dream growing up?
03) What talent do you wish you had?
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
05) Favourite vegetable?
06) What was the last book you read?
07) What zodiac sign are you?
08) Any tattoos &/or piercings? Explain where.
09) Worst habit?
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
11) What is your favourite sport?
12) Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
16) Do you have any pets?
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
18) What was your first impression of me?
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
22) What colour eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
24) Bottle or can soda?
25) If you won £10,000 today, what would you do with it?
26) What’s your favourite place to hang out at?
27) Do you believe in ghosts?
28) Favourite thing to do in your spare time?
29) Do you swear a lot?
30) Biggest pet peeve?
31) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
33) Favourite & least favourite food?
34) Do you believe in God?
35) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?


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