A good keyboard

Sep 13, 2004 14:05

I'm in the computer lab, so this update will catch up on what's been happening.
This weekend practically EVERYONE went home! I didn't though, because what's the point of going away to college if you just go home all the time? But if I don't find a job soon I may just ask Brenden to shift me on weekends only and come back. But that's not reasonable at all. I'm just poor.
But on Saturday, Alisha came up to spend the night, then on Sunday Chris came up to hang out with her. Saturday Alysia's friends were here too, so all of us kinda hung out together and tried to find a party. We did at Jefferson Commons, which is this strictly college student housing complex, but when we got there everyone was already drunk and just waiting around for someone to get more money to get more alcohol. The girls we went with said they were going with these guys they'd just met to get high, so Alisha, Alysia, her friend Joe and I all left. We all agreed to get there earlier next time.
Sunday when Chris came up was alright, but I cried in the middle of McDonald's. It just really REALLY sucked seeing the two of them together being all happy and me being there knowing Anthony and I are in a bad spot right now. We're in a bad spot because I guess I feel neglected. The last time I actually had a conversation with him was on Wednesday, and when I text him it's not a guarantee he'll even respond. It's just really depressing, so I got all weepy in McDonald's. Augh. My poor pride.

Saw 'Napoleon Dynamite' and 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse." GOD, that movie was scary!
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