Life so far

Aug 27, 2004 13:02

I managed to find a computer, so here I am faithfully updating. The move in yesterday went smoothly, but my roommate won't be here until Sunday. I know this because I saw her for five minutes yesterday, which was enough time for her to tell me that. She doesn't seem too nice, but she was in a hurry so maybe I'm wrong.
I slept well last night. Aunt Jackie brought my bedsheets so I had a pillow and stuff, and I took my first dorm shower this morning (woo). The room itself is rather small, but I can live with it.
I've met the people who live next door, Ari and Teresa, and they're really nice. Teresa and I are going around doing stuff today, and so far I've managed to find all my classes AND lose my ATM/Check card. O___O; AHHH!!! Identity theft!!!

I miss you all. *sniff* I just hope you miss me too.
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