The beginning, or the end?

Aug 25, 2004 11:55

Well, this is it. My last day here in Concord. I must say, even though I'm excited and a little glad to be leaving, I'm also sad. And remorseful. There's so much I wish I could have done. I don't want to leave everything behind, but I know I have to. I'll be back though. I think I'll come back at least once a month, and I'm coming back for my birthday in September so it's not like the move is for forever. It just feels that way I guess.
I'll send lots of e-mails and letters and I'll call too, and I'll keep this journal going, but I wish I could see you all again before I go. But I know you're all busy with work or school so I won't feel disapointed. I'm calling you guys tonight though, so be there damn you!

Yesterday I saw Mel, which was really nice. I hung out at her work for about an hour and I didn't get my hair cut. Anthony stopped by after he got off work, and I gave him his flippy Chinese dragon box that I got at the Asian Art Museum. I also gave him my Samurai X wall scroll, so now there's a big space where it used to be that creeps me out. It just does!

It's an odd feeling, trying to conserve your panties...

Gotta pack my life up tonight. Oh yeah, that'll be fun. *rolls eyes* I hope I have enough luggage to store it all in. I can't bring my manga because it's just too much, but perhaps on a trip back I'll take it with me. And I won't stop buying it either. I just hope my roommate is okay with piles of books being scattered around. If not, then she will be... Bwahahahaha!!!!

I'm gonna miss my room with the cool breezes and tons of stuff on the walls and huge dust bunnies in the corners. I'm gonna miss my house with my mom always singing and talking to herself (which I have inherited) and grandma always offering me food and her stories that I've heard a hundred times. I'm gonna miss being able to walk over to Crystal's house almost anytime I want. I'll miss Brenden and all the cool people who work there, and I'll miss Dwayne and all the other "school friends" like Meek and Lindsey. *sniff*
And most of all, I'm going to miss hearing about who said what to whom and who did what for how many cookies and all the little (and big) dramas that made our group, and I'm ESPECIALLY going to miss the people who make the drama, each and everyone of you. *MASSIVE HUG*

I won't forget. Even if we don't call or write or e-mail, even if we stop commenting on our journals, even if life sends us to different places, I won't forget all the good times and the bad because that's what made our group a group, you know?
But you know what? There will always be Fanime.

WHALE SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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