
Aug 23, 2004 12:51

Well, I finally figured out what I want as a tattoo. *points to Cupid Panda icon* But shh! It's a secret! ^_^

Well, I'm really kinda sad about me leaving. I mean, it's impossible for me to imagine not living in this house living this life. It's really mind-boggling. I'm going to miss so much about this place and the people here too. I've always taken comfort in whoever surrounds me, and I won't have that same luxury from now on. But know what? Anthony says he may not join the Air Force after all! His friend Ritchie, who he was joining up with, is now going to Wyo Tech instead! So now Anthony is all "I wanna go now too!" The only reason he was going into the Air Force was so they would pay for Wyo Tech and he could lord it over his parents that he never asked THEM to pay for it. *rolls eyes* Anyway, now he might be in Sac with meeeeee!!!!!!!! <3 (<---Heart)

I was looking over the campus map and trying to figure out what buildings my classes are in, and I have ten-fifteen minutes to get from one side of the campus to the other. @__@ I'm going to have to motor. Unfair!
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