Sep 24, 2009 23:27
Why are you taking yet another shuffle quiz?
Song: Not While I'm Around
Artist: Sweeney Todd 2005 Broadway Revival Cast
Comment: I love this song something fierce, but I don't see how it relates to doing one of these quizzes...
What's currently in your fridge?
Song: Stars
Artist: Terrence Mann, Les Miserables OBC
Comment: Sweet. Are they edible?
Your biggest nightmare?
Song: One Day More
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: Revolution? Leaving someone I love?
What place would you like to visit?
Song: Peace of Mind
Artist: Redgy Blackout
Comment: Well, check that out, something not from a musical. Yeah, I could see the appeal in going somewhere I can find a little peace of mind.
A reason to commit suicide?
Song: Everybody Fits
Artist: Altar Boyz OBC
Comment: I find it funny that a song about everyone "fits in God's great family" comes up for this one. Hah!
Why are we here?
Song: Plummet Attack
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: We're here to threaten old men and young women and unintentionally interrupt romantic rendezvous'? (my French sucks- what os the plural of rendezvous?)
Something you never dared to say to anyone...?
Song: My Friends
Artist: Sweeney Todd, 2005 Broadway Revival Cast
Comment: Well, it's true. I've never sung to knives....
One thing the world really doesn't need?
Song: Church Rulez
Artist: Altar Boyz OBC
Comment: Funny on so many levels. Also, probably the catchiest song in history with the word "homily" in its lyrics.
What's your biggest unfulfilled wish?
Song: Number 918
Artist: Altar Boyz OBC
Comment: A hymn that fights Satan's powers is my greatest unfulfilled wish?Huh, good to know.
If you could invent something, what would it be?
Song: Kiss Me, Part II
Artist: Sweeney Todd, 2005 Broadway Revival Cast
Comment: I would invent someone to fall in love with me at first sight who would then kidnap me to take me away from the adoptive father who intends to marry me? Sure, I can see how handy that could be...
The last thing you say before you die?
Song: Rhythm in Me
Artist: Altar Boyz OBC
Comment: If I had my way, I'd like to die dancing.
What's your destiny?
Song: Go-Getter Girl
Artist: Redgy Blackout
Comment: Apparently, I'm gonna walk down 4th Avenue and really have a thing for my shoes. That's not really the fulfilling life I had hoped for. On the plus side, I'll be "everything brand new" and that sounds kinda fun.
What do you do when you're alone in an elevator?
Song: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: I ruminate about something that I can't change and that causes me guilt. Fantastic. But it is such a pretty song.
Why do people go fishing?
Song: Who Am I
Artist: Redgy Blackout
Comment: To find what it's like to be free, apparently, and to keep distracted.
What would you do with your slaves?
Song: Drink With Me
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: Hee.
Is there a man on the moon?
Song: Something About You (also known as Girl You Make Me Wanna Wait)
Artist: Altar Boyz OBC
Comment: Yes, but he's abstaining, because that's what he learned in Sunday School.
What does hell look like?
Song: Master of the House
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: Revelry and drunkenness with some lechery on the side.
About what would you like to write a book?
Song: Worst Pies in London
Artist: Sweeney Todd 2005 Broadway Cast Revival
Comment: interesting topic, could make for a fun research trip...
The best thing ever is...?
Song: The Judge's Return
Artist: Sweeney Todd 2005 Broadway Cast Revival Cast
Comment: The best things is two men singing together- one about to kill the other, who happens to be intending to marry the first man's daughter, who he stole by having the first man sent to prison to steal his wife, who went mad. This is an odd world we live in.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Song: The Flagmaker, 1775
Artist: Songs For A New World
Comment: Because there was a revolutionary war happening on the other side of the road, obviously.
Why do you listen to music?
Song: Javert at the Barricade/Little People/ The First Attack
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: Exposition, yay!
What do you do when you're alone and nobody's watching?
Song: In My Life
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: I sing about a boy I just met and how I have fallen "in love" with him? Great. That's not pathetic AT. ALL.
Why are other people so stupid?
Song: Take Me or Leave Me
Artist: Rent
Comment: ..
Last thing you ate?
Song: I Should Tell You
Artist: Rent
Comment: Hah!
Why is grass green?
Song: Stars and the Moon
Artist: Songs For A New World
Comment: makes sense, I suppose...the grass is green here because somewhere that someone is standing it's not green, so it looks green to them.
Your phone is ringing, but who's on the other end?
Song: On My Own
Artist: Les Miserables
Comment: Well, that's just depressing.
What should you stop doing?
Song: Do You Hear the People Sing?
Artist: Les Miserables OBC
Comment: I know that I'm tone deaf, and still don't understand this mythical "pitch" thing, but that's just mean.
A word of advice to the readers of this quiz?
Song: I'd Give It All For You
Artist: Songs For A New World
Comment: Love is, apparently, worth giving up other stuff for. Whatever.