Mar 28, 2006 18:04
immigrating illegally is cutting in line.
it doesnt matter what country youre from, if you want to come to this country and become a citizen then do what everyone else from every other country has to do, and apply for american citizenship.
yes, it sucks that thats so difficult because of how hard it is to even obtain the application forms in many places, but that is NOT the united states' problem.
immigrating illegally should be a felony, as should be the hiring of anyone who is an illegal immigrant.
how can people come in to this country ILLEGALLY and then expect the rights of an american citizen. it doesnt fucking work that way. the immigration system exists for a reason, and the reason is not so people can ignore it.
all the walkouts and the other bullshit is a waste of time.
the only way to solve this problem is to modernize the countries people are running from, such as mexico, so that people actually want to stay there.
other than that... tough shit.
there is no such thing as a free lunch.
a walk out is when a group of students leave class to peacefully assemble at a given point of campus to discuss what they feel to be the issue at hand. it is NOT a giant ditch-fest. if you want to leave campus to do whatever fine, but dont call it a fucking walk out when that isnt what it is.