Nov 18, 2005 19:49
I don't know why, but I really enjoy scary movies, even the ones that aren't particularly scary. *random though* I haven't really done any of my reviews lately due to the fact that no one really seems to care. I really enjoy reviewing them though so I will probably start doing them again, even if just for me.
Anyway, let's go back to scary movies...
One thing that bothers me about them is that Hollywood really seems to have forgotten what it is that makes us scared. The average 'scary' movie tries to scare it's audience with startle tactics and lots of violence. That doesn't really do it for me anymore, when I was a child sure but not so much anymore. When I watch a scary movie I want it to scare me through legitimate scares and not through predictable 'boo-gotcha'.
Outside of zombies, I would have to say that ghosts scare me the most. Obviously movies play up the scare value of hauntings, but I think that one of the reasons they are scarier than a monster movie is that not only are they much higher in possibility, but the characters dealing with the ghosts are, in a GOOD movie, essentially powerless to do anything against them. The ghosts are there and chances are they are pissed and you're in their way. With murderers, monsters, aliens and yes even zombies you are at least able to fight back, not with ghosts and that scares the hell out of me.
Now, as much as I enjoy getting scared while watching an actual scary movie, I usually regret it later. I live in the middle of nowhere and get home from work in the middle of the night. That last mile or so once I'm off the main road is exceptionally creepy for a week or so after I watch a movie that actually scared me.
But on the other hand, as much as I enjoy a good scary ghost movie, I love a cheesy monster movie even more. I know that they aren't good and that there is no way they will ever get more than the occasional startle-jump out of me. But I sure do love them. I think the main reason that I enjoy them is that with as many horrible monster movies there are out there no two are the same in background of the monster and insane pseudo-science, and this leads to some very interesting and amusing stories that oftentimes actually capture my interest and hold it through the entire movie.
...I'm going to go to Blockbuster this weekend.