It sticks to things

Aug 10, 2008 00:19

I am aware that the last two weeks of my Houses games have not been reported on. I shall remedy that soon. Tonight I went to my parents for the Alladay party. This is to say my mother realized that August is the only month without a holiday so my parents made one up. Its really just a big end of summer party to get family together. It was fun enough for a family event. Heh.
We payed a game where one puts down three movies that describe you. I put down Eat Drink Man Woman, Almost Famous, and Princess Bride which I figured would throw people since at least a few others in my family had to pick Bride. Which I was right, four others had Princess Bride on their list including my sister. But alas, I was too good at getting movies to describe me and Joyce guessed it right away. Ah well.
Then Mom handed out Alladay gifts. I got tape, specifically a roll of duct tape, a roll of packing tape, and three scotch tapes. It reminds me of when mom got me sandwich bags for my birthday. I had commented on how useful they are and voila, got some. It was awesome. Others at the Alladay party agreed that I cleaned up in getting the tape. Well, pick the really odd shaped gift I guess. John had gone to the Vampire Larp instead of the party but my mother had one gift left over and insisted on me taking it for him. We shall see what it is when he gets home. And yes, it is an odd shape.

parents, john, gifts, movies, odd shape

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