
Aug 01, 2005 11:46

The cut text is, for those who don't know it, from Bernstein's opera "Candide" which is based on a short book by Voltaire. It's the final song in the opera, and the chorus runs so:

We're neither wise nor pure nor good
We'll do the best we know
We'll build our house and chop our wood
And make our garden grow

The gist of the song is to do what you can about the things you directly affect, and to live life fully and simply. It's starting to be a theme for me. There's a lot I've been anxious about recently, and striving to work through the issues and eliminate the anxieties is a huge goal for me.

Gardening is a great stress reliever. I went and worked for an hour yesterday, weeding and staking and cutting tomato suckers and harvesting. Our first two red peppers; a few beans; a huge pile of basil was the bulk of it though, about twenty cups worth. And there's only one thing to do with that much basil....

The really nice thing about having basil in the garden is knowing I can make and stockpile pesto, as much as I have freezer space for. And basil is obliging in that the more you shear it off, the more thickly it grows back.

Sally and I made pesto yesterday. There's something deeply satisfying about grinding the pine nuts and garlic and oil to a paste in the pestle. I suppose I love cooking and gardening equally, and there's great joy in being able to take something from seed to plate.

We'll be canning tomatoes in the next two weeks. I think we should start with a batch of trinity, the tomato-onion-green pepper mixture that is the start of so many recipes in the family. I'm down to only a few jars, so I want to get the safety stock going.

I've been dangling on a string at one store while they make up their mind if they want me as a part-time employee. The manager claims to be busy, so busy she's not got the time to devote to the hiring process. The way I brain it, if you're that busy you make time to hire more hands, but what do I know?

I just got a call from another store, and they seem eager to get people in and working. I turned my application in on Friday, and got a call this morning. (Store A had my application for three weeks before contacting me.) I go in on Wednesday over the lunch hour for a test of some sort, math/computer skills/etc. If I get hired there, I will *so* look forward to calling and informing the other manager to remove me from consideration. I don't wait well.

Is it so much to ask to get on with my life here?


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