Jul 12, 2008 12:55
Well aside from having a bad night three nights ago and scaring everyone to death (sorry bout that) everything went well the next day. On the 10th I took Sherida to Romney to see the doc. I think this is their last chance on getting disability. I didn't realize it was so hard. Seems anymore you gotta be almost dead to get the thing. *shrugs* After that she took me to millers market. Its owned by the menonittes (sp) so they sell some good stuff. I bought a lavendar candle and a big bottle of all season salt. I know where i'm gonna be christmas shoppin' :-). After that we stopped at the DMV tp pick up a couple of commerical license test books. Rod has to take his over again soon because its about to expire and Dex is taking his for the first time. We then stopped at this little roadside store that sold fresh veggies. They ddi't have much of a selection but they're related so we got a good deal. :-) Riding with her the entrie day I realize how much her and Becky and basically HER side of the family are all alike. They talk like they know everything about everything and you're trying not to laugh because they don't know squat from peter (i made that up). I was so ....grrr'd when poor pap had to have heart surgery and i found out it was minor and not the quadtruple like they said. WHY WHY WHY would you say that? I also hate how they sugar coat and "don't tell josh cuz he'll cry." Tell the kid the damn truth!! How the hell is he gonna learn about life if you keep coddling him? He's gonna end up like Becky and be almost 30 and not know how to ....grrrr.
Anyways I'm going to church tommorow for the first time in ages. Winchester Church of God to be exact so I hope I'm not snubbed. There is a group that meets every week and I wanna check it out. Its kinda like for people like me. I grabbed a brochere from online and it sounds okay. If this doesn't work out i'll try calvary brethern. i 'm not sure if that's the right name.
So i'm gonna hang out today with seth38101 and CJU08 and we're going to go to famers markert and the bookstore. for the first time since i quit.