Jul 20, 2008 15:08
OMG its so hot. *pants* I hate the heat. I'm sitting here at my inlaws *eye roll* typing from their dial-up computer. Sloooooooooooooooow. Def not used to it. On the 16th (i'm keeping notes because comcast will hear it out if they raise any hell with me) i noticed my net was slower and slower and then POP no net. The modem was just not getting a connection. Thinking that my bill was just overdue i called them myself and asked if my service was interrupted and the girl said yes. All I had to pay was 104 bucks and they'd turn it back on. They jsut wanted my money because I foudn out the next day that my bill was in fact 30 days late but it hadn't been interrupted yet. Ooookay so then they tell me that upgrades are going on in the area and a lot of people were out and when they fix it my modem should come back on. WRONG! So they scheduled a tech to come out on sunday (later i found out that if they work on sundays it costs extra...go figure) but i had to ride with dex in the festeva to the inlaws so he can fix the truck and i can drive the festeva back. So I resceduled for monday (sorry for the typos i'm just not caring) from 11am-2pm. This better be fixed or they're giving me another modem. Yes I can do without it for a few days but its painful because these days if you don't have the net you're screwed. Plus its the only way I can talk to my friends and since I don't have any in winchester my depression just worsens. So everyone who have told me to get over it in the past couple of days can kiss my ass. I'm not switching to anything else till I know for sure that comcast has screwed me and then i'll call visuallink and see what they offer me. My neighbor wants me to go with directv. "Um why? they cost more and they don't offer the net. " "yeah they do!" "uh no they don't!" he probably wants me to go with them so HE can get a discount. Ya know how when you sign up with something new you can save a friend money by reccomending the program to them? whatever. i love him dearly but sometimes i just wanna shake him cuz he's a stubborn old man. i try to live as frugal as I can but some things you just don't get for cheap. grrrrr! people piss me off.
other then that....i went to class on wednesday and there was about 10 people in there ALL WOMEN. ugh. my teacher is nice. he's a professor at Shenendoah U at the pharmacy part. I have to go clear to hagerstown to take my test. yikes. that won't be till september.
so i tried the juicer here for the first time. i mixed carrot, grape, and canalope juice. kinda made me quesay but it wasn't that bad. i told them to get me one for christmas. i would like a blender now though so i guess once EVERYONE IS CAUGHT UP AND HAPPY i'll be able to invest in one. AND NO I'M NOT BUYING IT AT THE DOLLAR STORE! damn it! i want something to last me a year not a month! SOME things i get at the dollar store. actually almost everything i get is either at the dollar store, food lion, or walmart (if i have to). I don't buy anythign I don't need. Okay so I did it in the past when I thought I was 10 feet tall and bulletproof but I learned my lesson and people can make fun of me all the want. Screw them in the ear! I'm in more debt then I'd like to be but it'll get better. In the meantime i have to LIVE and I have to EAT HEALTHY. *pant* i know i have a lot of pent up frusteration. I need my running shoes and I need some kinda mp3 player. I don't care if its 20 dollars and can hold 20 songs. I need soemthing to run with!
okay...i'm done....FOR NOW!!!!!!