Title: Time Honoured Traditions
Author: Claire
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: All sorts
He closes his eyes
Touching his burning hot cock
And thinks of Sheppard
She laughs as she strikes
The sticks aren't just used to fight
She keeps them well oiled
He touches himself
They think Asgard can't have sex
If only they knew
Home is far away
But 'don't ask, don't tell' isn't
He jerks off alone
She's in her office
Fingers buried in her cunt
Problems in her head
Alone and chased
He spilled seed on so many worlds
The running is over
The stethoscope's cold
But it's not around his neck
It's around his cock
It wasn't her flesh
She wishes she had jerked off
He still annoys her
Thighs squeeze together
She can come when she hiccups
She's not that nervous
There's lube in the lab
He wanks when Rodney's not there
Orgasm helps him think
One personal thing
So much she should take with her
Rampant Rabbit wins
Weir in red panties
Makes him shudder and come hard
The Daedalus shakes
Hand around his cock
The world pulses when he comes
Atlantis lights up
If people aren't too sure who each of them are for, it's: Rodney, Teyla, Hermiod, Lorne, Heightmeyer, Ronon, Carson, Cadman, Novak, Radek, Elizabeth, Caldwell and John - in that order :)
Oh gods, I wrote wank!haiku...