Title: Full Sail
Author: Flora
Fandom: Peter Pan
Character: Hook
Words: 300
Rating: R
Full Sail
James missed his hand.
It wasn't so much a problem for purposes of steering the ship or making do in the galley, though he supposed there were inconveniences there, too. No, it was that he'd always particularly liked to slide his other hand under his balls and push them up so that every time his fist came down, it hit them, just so.
And no matter how careful he was, he just couldn’t bring himself to use the hook for that; he feared that somehow, some way, even cradling them in the round curve of it, he'd have a puncturing accident.
However, leaving them uncupped was also not working. Again.
"I need you."
Smee poked his head in through the hatch, then sighed. "Not again--"
"Yes, again. Come hold my testicles. You know I can't do it."
Smee set down the towel he was using to dry dishes and came in, sinking down to his knees and reaching. "You'll be careful this time? Not to--"
"Yes, Smee." James sighed, long-suffering. "Just because I hit your face last time--"
"The last eight times," Smee corrected. "You do tend to bring the boom about just at the wrong--"
"Whatever. Stop complaining." He stroked slowly until Smee was settled into place. His ball-holding technique was different and not quite as good, but aiming for his nose was amusing, so that made up for it some.
"You won't--"
"Of course not, Smee. Reef the main, just a bit. That's it."
Smee lifted a bit more. "There?"
"That's got it. Even keel, now. Keep in trim."
Smee nodded and moved to keep up with James's thrusts.
It wasn't the same as his own hand, but it would do.
Especially, like now, when he hit the bull's eye.