On Music and Ancient humour

May 27, 2009 09:58

Ey! Check out the Correspondents tribute comic on 2D goggles!

And if you don't know who they are, you can find their music here.

MUSIC! (for the recorder that is):

*Love Schubert's Recorder Music page

*Sheet Music archives

*Werner Icking Music Archive, which seems pretty cool but I find rather confusing to navigate.

*Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and... Disney! Yes, I am a pleb. But anyone who can't appreciate some Menken is just plain wrong.

*Geoff Grainger's Recorder music page

*Recorder Music Mail - UK based too! They even have a magazine, which is entirely made of win.

ABRSM Examinations page. In case I ever feel masochistic.

Music Exchange home site. I think there's one up in the city centre, but I'll have to go an look after the exams.

Free Scores - does exactly what it says on the tin, quelle surprise. Love it. Will probably gack some violin/piano pieces as well.

Musica Viva. Again, a wonderfully unfussy site with very efficient search engine with more categories than the most pedantic pedant would need.

http://www.freesheetmusic.net/Miscellaneous1.html - some nice looking links I will explore when my eyeballs don't feel like they're about to dribble out of their sockets.

And I think I really need to add this movie to my 'bad fantasy movie' marathon...

And now I shall leave you with a selection of jokes from Diotima

the correspondents, music, descant recorder, comics, steampunk

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