If I was going to name a band after myself, I would call it The Jaime Montiel Problem.

May 20, 2013 08:45

There's a street in my neighborhood named Arrowwood, but the 'd' is almost scratched off so it looks like Arrowwoo, and every time I see it I laugh because it looks like they finally started letting dogs name streets.

This is my favorite rule in baseball (with the possible exception of the beer rule).
7.08(i): "Any runner is out when, after he has acquired legal possession of a base, he runs the bases in reverse order for the purpose of confusing the defense or making a travesty of the game."
Everything in life should have a rule against making a travesty of the game.

One time in elementary school we were visited by a minor league baseball mascot. In a photograph of the event that appeared in the local newspaper, you could see the back of my head. When I showed it to my uncle he said, "That could be any kid's head." He was right. It could've been any kid's head.

I had a dream where I discovered a secret underground government base. I found it when I tripped over a periscope sticking out of ground. They must've been using the periscope to...spy on the area immediately surrounding the periscope? I don't know, it was dream logic. Anyways, inside the base there was a giant warehouse filled with dunes of salt (an effort to stockpile and control a precious commodity?), a room where something had obviously escaped (wrecked concrete wall, clipboard carrying scientists examining the monster-shaped hole), and a room where all the government sponsored super heroes were being kept penned up. When I saw groups of people taking photographs with them and getting things autographed, I realized that I wasn't in a secret underground government base, but an amusement park themed as a secret underground government base. Then I walked into a public restroom and had a panic attack until I woke up.

When I go to bed, I can deal with one arm hanging off the edge of the bed because I can pretend I'm sleeping on the edge of a cliff and it feels a little adventurous, but if any part of my leg is hanging over, it feels like I could slip off or that I'll dream of slipping off. The only bad dream I've had as a result of sleeping with an arm hanging off the edge of the bed is when I had to defuse a bomb while both my arms were asleep.
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