Heavily censored for your viewing pleasure

Aug 07, 2005 03:44

I'm a fluffy minded idiot. It's late it's late, ain't that great. Someday I'd like to look back and see myself as a person I could admire instead of constantly wanting to bang my head on the wall to shut out the pain. MOOD SWINGS ARE FUN! I watched Man of the House earlier and it was one of the stupider things I've seen in a long, long time, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Although they did refrain from a lingerie-clad pillow fight, and frankly, I'm very disappointed in them. Cliches are fun damnit.

I miss my mom. She's in new york, and crazy happy and enjoying herself, and going out and building her academic career and all I can think of is how damn backwards it is that I'm stuck at home keeping the children from killing each other and she's so happy and full of verve and future.

I have no present. I have no future.

Or maybe I have too many futures, I can't pick one, so they're all so fuzzy they might as well not be there.


He'll never ask though.
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