the sound of "ffffff"

Apr 14, 2007 12:52

I was thinking about this the other day, because i do stuff like that, and you know what makes me angry? what ever nut job came up with the sound 'f' in our language. Why are there so many friken, phriken, ghriken, ways to make that sound?! if you're in school, and you don't know how to spell something, and the teacher says "sound it out" and it has an ef sound in it, you're screwed. Why is it that our language has so many idiotic ways to spell and say things. It's like, someone had amnesia and kept forgetting what he had made sound like ef the night before. No one in there right minds should think that ph, or gh, make the same sound as the letter f! its ridiculously insane and it doesn't seem to follow any "rule" that the english language has, even though the rules are screwed up too. you just have to take a wild guess at what combination of letters you think this word has to make the ef sound. if i didn't already know how to spell 'laugh', i would spell it laff! THE WAY IT SHOULD BE PHUCKING SPELLED! igh you don't agree with me, i don't really care, because it's not your pet peeve, it's mine. so ghuck ophgh.The ef sound is the most annoying thing in the english language, next to the obvious fact that the letter c has no use. when its a soft c it makes the sound of an s, when its a hard c it makes the sound of a k. the only reason the letter c is useful at all is when you put it next to the letter h. I HATE ENGLISH!!! PHUCK GHUCK FUCK
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