Brightspot was talking about her knitting and I have been thinking about and getting back into knitting again, so I wanted to post some of my links that I am thinking of making...
mgs_naughtycat I never got that second email with the pattern. And the cabled arm warmers are in stitch and bitch nation book. If you want to give me a snail mail address (by email) I can send it snail mail (I don't want to type it in and you wouldn't have a picture), if you don't feel comfortable with reg. mail that's okay.
Ruana scrap bag shawl I've made this a couple of times with more neutral colors with just splashes of bright colors and really loved the way it turns out. I am going to make one of these for Sophia this time I think.
Leg Warmers Again for Sophia, maybe for my nieces... but I think I would have to make them match...
oro silk garden scarf pattern I don't know who I would make this for, but I think its beautiful!
Very Tall socks Me, sophia, my nieces... who wouldn't like a pair of these??
Nippertails Sophia and my nieces
Summer Sock collection again, for everyone...
Sari Silk journal cover Maybe for my sister and sister in law
Elfine socks pdf format cant "borrow" picture
Super bulky mittens For everyone!!!
Victorian punk sleeves ARen't these awesome???
If you are a knitter or crafter... whats on your to-make list??