Oct 25, 2005 09:22
My son's hamster Jasmine has turned into an escape artist. Over the weekend she escaped twice from her cage upstairs and we found her downstairs exploring.
The first time we found her she had cheeks full of things she had found on the floor. Once she was back in her cage, she emptied her cheeks out and jacob brought the contents to show me.
She had 10 purple sparkly pony beads and 1 small metal ball from a kids game.
It was just odd to see what she had picked as valuable enough to put in her cheeks and carry around.
update edit: We fixed up one our our aquariums for her and although she is very bored because it is not as excited as a habitrail she is at least unable to escape. We will have to get her a wheel for this cage because the other wheel attaches to the wires of the cage and this one has no wires....