Yippy! 1 more sleep till our romantical trip to Cuba! I'm "all" packed and ready to jump on that plane! However the weather isn't looking so promising :( I checked the 10 day forecast on Yahoo the other day for Holguin and its "supposed" to rain every day but like ONE! How depressing, I would very disappointed if it rained the whole time! Stupid Global Warming and Hurricane season starting in mid June..wtf?!!? I think we all need to start taking Global Warming a lot more seriously! Look what its doing to
Polar Bears It's disturbing, everyone needs to see that Al Gore movie!
Ok sorry I ranted about Global Warming, I warn you to probably expect more of that in the near future. Anywho back to work seeing as its my last day till Monday June 26! I have odds and ends to tie up before I leave. :) Expect a GIANT update when I return!
GO OILERS GO! I hope they play the Stanley Cup Playoffs in Cuba..that's asking a lot isn't it?