Murray (
is making a book of memories and would love your input.
The Eugene Celebration will probably be held after 2pm so as to not interfere with people's churchgoings and doings. I am hoping to get a space on campus. I've been told it would be good to go through an ASUO affiliated group to keep costs down, so if you're in one of those (APOers?), could you contact me and help me out? I'd really appreciate it.
Some other information I recieved today:
Donations gratefully accepted to:
Amelia Worth Memorial Fund
c/o Unity By the Bay
P.O. Box 947
North Bend, OR 97459
COOS BAY Celebration of Life
Saturday November 18, 2006
Unity by the Bay
2100 Union Ave
North Bend, OR at 4pm with potluck following.