3 Day Roundup

Sep 13, 2007 17:12

Well, Berlin has been awesome. Tonight is my last night here before I head off to Prague for a few nights.

The first day I got here I spent the day doing the free walking tour which goes for about 4 hours in which you get to see a tonne of landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust Memorial and the Humboltd University where the book burning episode occured. Later that night, I went on a pub crawl which wasnt too bad. It seems that Berliners are stuck in the past here so the music really wasn't really my tastes but I got to see some really kewl pubs and meet some awesome people.

The next day, I spent walking around the whole city myself going to places that I missed. Fairly uneventful day but I did manage to take a heap more photos plus I went to a few museums. Had a chilled night at the hostel bar as I have been out every single night for the past week previous.

So today, I caught the S-Bahn out to a concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin. A very very interesting experience to say the least. Whilst the camp is not as big as say Auswizch(sp?), it was one of the very first camps set up by the SS in which enemies of the state and Jews were set to be killed.

I have about 450 photos on my camera now but I don't have access to any machines where I can plug my camera into to upload them. Since everyone in Europe here has a facebook account, I have set one up where I will upload my photos to when I am able to. Feel free to add me if you want. My email addy is (dergacz at optusnet.com.au).

I still am feeling a little homesick. But its maily just a case of missing seeing you all. Whilst I am met a heap of new friends over here, I just wish you were all here as well having an awesome time <3 I dont thing anybody can ever replace you guys.

Time to go drink more beer. My liver isn't hard enough. Good night and Ill update more once I get to Prague.
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