Jul 21, 2004 23:13
has any one ever told you that they like you more when you are not yourself? That happened to me tonight.
So I guess it started this morning when I woke up with an infected eye and had to call off work. I went back to bed 2 hours later and woke up at 2, WAY too late to take my medicine. As a result I was happy and hyper Mallory all day, that is until about half an hour ago when I took a certain person home.
Now let me clarify, when I am medicine free, I am exactly like I am, it is the real me. Well apprently that is not the person that certain people like. They find her annoying and hyper. So does that mean that if I meet people when I take my medicine that they won't like the real me? Well I am sorry to anyone that I have decieved byt taking it on a regular basis. After tonight, I feel like it is my responsibility to inform you that the person you know probably isn't the real me. The real me is annoying and hyper and will probably drive you crazy...
sorry bout the venting, im sad right now though.