Well, its still early, but so far it hasn't been a bad day. Got up, felt kinda icky, but not so much that I am miserable. Got to work, kinda late 9:15, as apposed to the 9 a.m. I am supposed to be here. Yesterday, a plane went down with some local people in it near St. Augustine, Fla., so that will be the news of the day, which will keep all my bosses around my desk all day long.
A prayer for those who are lost
May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those who have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
And a servant to all in need.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
I hope that this day, and the remainder of the year find myself and all those I come in contact with to be healthy, happy, and of a peaceful mind.
Wielder of the hammer,
red-bearded one,
Thor, protector,
to you I call.
I stand in the midst of a storm
and ask your protection.
5 Weird Habits, Books & Today in History
***Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names. ***
1. I am very olfactory - Smells are very important to me, so I tend to smell everything, and everyone I come in contact with. Of course this is within reason, I don’t walk down the street sniffing strange people, but I will take a deep breath when first introduced to someone to get their scent. Sometimes I regret this however.
2. I like to argue - I tend to argue about things even if they are not important or worth arguing over. Why, I am not sure, maybe I like to hear my own voice.
3. I’m a nail biter, I have stopped at least 1,000 times, but I only last for a few months/weeks and then I am back to doing it. I blame my mother, as she was an extreme nail biter and I know years of watching her do it caused the habit to form.
4. I freak out sometimes - I will just find myself giggling to myself, or panicking over absolutely nothing. It usually happens when I am by myself, and it’s never really anything horrible. But I find myself full of energy, and have to do something, which usually leads to me cleaning house.
5. I despise talking on the phone - If its important I don’t mind, but once it is handled I am done. If its someone I am interested in or care about, I will tolerate the phone itself (which is what I hate), but I prefer one on one, and face to face. (Plus the little pixies in the phone might put a curse on me.)
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
“Corner module accommodates a keyboard and features a wire-management system”
Staples 2005 Office Supplies and Technology Catalog
I know, boring but I am at work, so it was this or the phone book.
On Dec. 19, 1843, “A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens, was first published in England.
On this date
1732 - Benjamin Franklin began publishing “Poor Richard’s Almanac.”
1957 - Meredith Willson’s musical play “The Music Man” opened on Broadway.
1972 - Apollo 17 splashed down in the Pacific, winding up the Apollo program of manned lunar landings.
1974 - Nelson A. Rockefeller was sworn in as the 41st vice president of the United States.
1985 - In Minneapolis, Mary Lund became the first woman to receive a Jarvik VII artificial heart (Lund received a human heart transplant 45 days later; she died in October 1986).
1998 - President Clinton was impeached by the Republican controlled House for perjury and obstruction of justice (he was later acquitted by the Senate). (So the man likes his B.J.'s, who cares.)
Five years ago
Death claimed jazz bassist Milt Hinton at age 90; gospel singer “Pops Staples” at age 85; former New York City mayor John V. Lindsay at age 79; and Rob Buck, lead guitarist for the rock band 10,000 Maniacs, at age 42.
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. ... It has no survival value; rather it
is one of those things that give value to survival.” - C.S. Lewis, British author (1898-1963).
“I never could see why people were so happy about Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ because I never had any confidence that Scrooge was going to be different the next day.” - Dr. Karl Menninger, American psychiatrist (1893-1990).