I've been trying on and off to finish my latest HP smutfic, but apparently I left my perverted muse behind during my last vacation or something. Let's hope it returns when I get back from the Caribbean this March. In the meantime, I've been flirting with the idea of writing a loosely-connected set of oneshots for Inuyasha, a fandom that inspires absolutely no smuttiness from me despite all the hot and heavy fics I've read over the years. Heck, I'm not even writing my favorite pairing.
To give me some sort of direction, I decided to unofficially try something from one of those writing prompt LJ communities
Title: Unexpected Consequences
Fandom: Inuyasha
Characters/Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Table One
01. Communion.
02. Repent.
03. Mazel Tov.
04. Prophet.
05. Silence.
06. Priest.
07. Revelation.
08. Covenant.
09. Pilgrimage.
10. Benediction.
11. Heaven.
12. Hell.
13. Crusade.
14. Karma.
15. Temptation.
16. Exodus.
17. Lamentation.
18. Redemption.
19. Writer's Choice.
20. Writer's Choice.