4.5 days later?!?!

Apr 21, 2012 22:09

No really, where does the time go? O.o

I have found one of the cool things about Doctor Who WIT that I'd been missing since I joined a month and a half ago. Wow, it's only been a month and a half? Sheesh. Anyway, on Sunday some random person added me as a friend and invited me to join the guild he was in; he actually took the time to chat with me so I was like, "Sure, why not?"
I've made a few more friends since joining the guild. All of them, actually, are from the guild, at least originally. They're all pretty cool; I've sat and chatted with them.

There has been some drama, and I think that's because there are a LOT of young people in the game. By "young" I mean 16 and under, and plenty of people under 13, too, even though they're not supposed to be on. Obviously there isn't a way for the site to prove you're 13, so it's a piece of cake to lie about your age to gain membership. XD

So these people are all dramatic and have no skill whatsoever in the area of problem-solving and diplomacy. It's been driving me mad, but I think that it's actually potentially a really good thing that they're having these experiences in a place like WIT, where they rub shoulders with older and more mature people, like myself (if I do say so XD).

I dealt with so much drama just on Sunday, and some of it carried over to today, when all of the original parties of this drama/dispute were finally online again at the same time, and there was even some new drama and bad feelings. It was stressing me out, but if I hadn't been there (at least in this little bubble of drama; I'm sure there are plenty more stories just like this one out there), things could have ended up a lot worse. I'm not gonna give myself credit for working things out, but I think all the offended parties needed something like a swift kick in the pants and some encouragement to be civil to one another instead of going right to the name-calling. I mean, seriously. Name-calling? Jr. High all over again. XD
But they do a pretty good job, once they have some motivation to realize how unhelpful all that freaking out is. It's kind of exciting, in a way. I get to be part of these learning experiences. ^^

One of the friends I met on WIT is a 12-year-old girl, and she and I have a lot in common, compared to other people she's met. So she's kind of attached herself to me--I don't truly mind, because she is totally a loose cannon and she's been at the heart of all the problems I've dealt with on WIT, and I feel the need to be a sort of mentor or guide to help rein her in so she's not so destructive. But she can be so clingy!! She actually was very smart and asked me to post a video on YouTube just saying hey and mentioning her username (which isn't very common), so she'd know I'm not some total creeper, before sharing any information about anything off of WIT. After I posted the video and linked her, she told me her FB info, and her RL name, and today I got her mobile number. O.o I didn't ask, she just gave it to me. But I think she really likes having a friend, or as she calls me, an older sister, and she's still really excited about it. XD So I'm like "omg leave me alone so I can think" sometimes, but I think it's a good experience.

I feel like I'm impossible to please, sometimes, but I dunno. As hugely stressful and annoying as that Doctor Who WIT drama has been, I've never felt so...satistfied...with my time. I'm a very very verbal person, and I haven't had anyone to talk to in so long, at least not reliably. Sometimes I can chat with my coworkers at the daycare, but we're not really FRIENDS, and most weekends I get to talk to my mom for a couple hours in the mornings while helping her on her paper route, but other than that...I very rarely get to just sit and talk to someone I can really connect with on some level.

And with WIT, the people I get to talk to are really fun. And it might be something different with each person, but there's always SOMETHING not entirely Doctor Who related that I can chat with these people about. And it can go on for a long time. I've sat there for a few hours just chatting with people without actually DOING anything in the game itself. Just the talking. Maybe making my character run around or something.

But as fun as that is...most, if not all (I'm not sure yet) of the people I'm friends with are pretty young. And, not really as mature as my closest friends are, so there are some things I simply can't discuss with them. And that's where the issue is....

One of my friends just up and disappeared recently. Oh, I'm sure he's still hanging around on the internet somewhere, but nowhere I go, anymore. At first, he wasn't talking to me all that much, and then I'd always have to start a conversation if I wanted to talk to him, but at least he'd talk to me...and then he started checking out of the conversations after a few exchanges, and now...he's not even online. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, so I'm not surprised, really, but it's still hurtful because the last time we talked he told me we were still friends but that he just hadn't felt much like talking lately. In general. Maybe it's true, but I get the feeling it's more...just me. I do understand it, but after all the time we'd been friends, how could he suddenly forget he can and should just be up front with me? If he doesn't want to be my friend, he should tell me. I do not do well trying to figure out what's going on by myself, not when it involves my relationship with another person. The thought does occur to me that maybe it's just that I am never online at the same time as him. It's certainly possible during the week, but I do remember being online at times that he normally would be on, and he wasn't, and then today, he wasn't ever online, when there would have been plenty of time. I dunno.

I'm not gonna go into the whole Emma rant again, but she called me up on Tuesday to ask if I'd teach her Primary class on Sunday. I was at work, so I couldn't really sit and think about it, but she took my non-answer as a yes. So she actually showed up to Institute on Wednesday night, and apparently was at our house earlier in the day when NO ONE was home (cos I was at work and everyone else was out for various reasons), because she "wanted to see me." But all she wanted to do was give me the manual with the lesson in it, for teaching. I told her as much, that she only came over to the house so that she could drop off the manual and wouldn't have to come to Institute, since she never comes anyway, and she didn't deny it, not really. Just dodged the accusation. I told her I didn't want to teach, and she went and got her manual anyway. Chased me around the parking lot, actually. I literally ran away and hid from her, and she chased me. Refused to take no for an answer. She climbed into our van and wouldn't let us go home until I at least agreed to take the manual.
Dumb thing is, she'd known she needed a sub for over 2.5 weeks by the time she asked me. There is someone who is specifically designated as her alternate instructor, and it's not me. She REFUSED to talk to or call that person, because she didn't feel like it, and I finally just told her fine, I'll take the manual and I'LL talk to your alternate instructor.
The whole thing made me so sick. I'm not really mad, I'm just disgusted. On top of everything else, you're going to refuse to respect my wishes AND make me do your job for you? Ugh.

With some of the other people I consider my close friends, I just feel I'm not a priority. I've expressed as much before, I'm sure. I'm not positive how much of that is me being pitiful, and how much is a valid concern. It would be nice to feel appreciated by the people who mean the most to me, though. That's one thing I do know.
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