a bookish Friday Five for a bookish bird

Sep 25, 2008 23:03

1. Who is your favorite author?
2. What is your favorite book/series?
3. Who is a book hero you most wish to be like?
4. Who is a book character that you envy?
5. Which book do you wish you lived in?

1. At the moment, it's P. G. Wodehouse

2. The Last Unicorn, I think

3. Reginald Jeeves. He's brilliant, resourceful, well-mannered, perceptive, and kind

4. Guenivere Pettigrew on that one perfect day (and after, since Joe will be stopping by tomorrow!)

5. I think it'd be cool to live in Narnia

I'm driving Bubba the Hutt crazy. I allow the Beastie Boys to climb on the computer table because I can't keep them off it. So they sneak up here while I'm typing or reading and lie on my forearms, making themselves extremely comfortable (and me not so comfortable). I sit on a backless swivel chair that I took from the bank ten years ago when it was about to be thrown out. So I spin around and around, tapping his rump and making him skitter back and forth from the table to the chair to the table. And he'll take the bait for ten minutes until he collapses from exhaustion.

I can get slightly daffy over Phill Jupitus. He can be obnoxious, but he gave a brilliant response in this episode of QI when Stephen asks, "What's coconut milk?"
Phill: Tasty!
Stephen: Where does it come from?
Phill: Coconut cows!

I stood in the bathroom last night and listened as the upstairs neighbor took a shower. No drips. I checked the corner. Dusty and full of debris from the hole in the ceiling, but no water. THE LEAK IS FIXED! We can patch up the hole in my bathroom! We can paint! We can get new carpeting! I'm so excited! Robert the plasterer is supposed to come in on Saturday, but Dave the landlord hasn't called to confirm, nor has he set up a time for Robert to be here, so it may or may not happen Saturday.

Jimbo's bringing the girls and Mom's computer to Mom's flat on Saturday. Guess who gets to crawl around on the floor and hook everything up ... Boo! Yeah, for once it's not me. She'll sit under the table and keep things untangled as Jimbo sets everything up and connects stuff together. Mom won't have Internet access, but at least she can write her essays at home instead of coming down to my place. (She can't print them out, though, so I still get to have her over when she has a paper due.)

So I get to see my Boo-girl on Saturday. I'm so daffy over that child, I wonder that everyone else isn't. Squirt is the star of the family at the moment, being four. Everything's new to her, and she is incredibly charming, but since I'm snobbish about going against the grain (as well as a champion for the underdog) ... if Squirt is everyone else's favorite, then Boo is mine. I mean really, how can you not love a child whose only major offense in any part of her life is sneaking books from the library? (Jimbo -- who hasn't read the Potter books -- forbade it, even though Chris and I both said Boo was old enough. So Boo sneaked them out, read them, and then returned them, one by one. I adore that child.) She was punished, of course, for breaking the rules and disobeying her parents, but considering the fact that there are eleven year olds out there who get PREGNANT, Chris and Jimbo were pretty easy on her.

Enjoying my new congregation's choir. It's a bit of a challenge, though; there's a large retirement community within the boundaries, so there are a lot of mature people singing, and I think more than one of them are hard of hearing. So they sing loudly, and I have a hard time hearing myself. But it's nice to have choir members who can read music and follow complex parts, which was a difficulty in the congregation I just left. The director keeps pulling out new pieces of music and telling us to go through them, saying, "You all know this," and there is not one single song in that folder that I've ever heard before, much less sung!

Pfft. Time for bed; good night.

friday five, meme, books

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