
Dec 30, 2007 23:56

Sometimes I wish my dad would be a little more cooperative. Or maybe he was, I don't know.

Craig came up in conversation yesterday. I forget the context, but it was just a passing reference to him, and how I am hoping (not the right word; hope implies expectation, and I'm trying vehemently not to expect) that he'll show up at some point in the spring semester.

At one point in the fall semester, I happened to show up at Dad's classroom while his class was taking a break. Paul had let us out early, and Dad invited me to hang around for a bit, so I accepted. I sat at a vacant desk in the front row, and at the next desk was a rather cute fellow, who I said hello to and smiled at.

Yesterday, Dad said that the fellow's name was Scott, and that he'd asked about me a couple of times during the semseter. When I asked what he said in reply, Dad just kind of dismissively shrugged it off.

HELLO! For crying out loud, Dad! Unless you know he's a pimp or a drug dealer, set me up! Or at least tell me about this, before the semester ends and you -- and therefore I -- never see the man again!

He isn't one of those over-protective fathers. He wants me to date, but he's aware that opportunities for fat, awkward birds are few and far between. Why he didn't tell me sooner, so I could do something about this Scott fellow -- at least exchange e-mails, or something -- is beyond me.

rant, family

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