A while back, I insinuated to
elva_undine that I would try to motivate her to get healthier. And so, I present you with my simple rules for living the good life...
The Food Issue: You are what you eat (or for the systems folks: GIGO= Garbage in, garbage out)
Wherein I offer my personal philosophy on food... )
And water? I'm sort of with you on this one, too. I grew up drinking RO water, which we always kept in a jug in the kitchen. It was referred to as "good water." My elementary school friends probably thought I was such a snob when I asked them where they kept their "good water," not realizing that most folks just drank from the tap. I hate tap water, and the water in Indiana is as bad as it gets. It usually smells like a swimming pool.
The Brita filter makes it palatable, and for me, that is what matters. But single serving drinking water in bottles? What a horrific waste!
I do like the occasional glass of wine, but I'm afraid the only wine that I really loved was a freaking $60-a-bottle variety. Someone else bought it. It was amazing. I'll probably never have wine like that again as I could NEVER justify that kind of expenditure on a drink. *g*
We are currently on well water, but it made my daughter just as sick as tap water, so I'm assuming that pesticides from the surrounding orchards have leached into the ground water. Again, we tried the Brita thing, but it wasn't sufficient. We can't even cook with our water without my daughter getting sick, so RO water is really our only option. Our municipal water at our old house was... well, we felt fortunate if it smelled like a swimming pool. Half the time it smelled like a toilet. Yum.
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