NaNoWriMo - Day 13

Nov 13, 2008 22:39

As my friend CH pointed out, I am having so much fun with NaNoWriMo that I have neglected my LJ.  Let me take care of that right now.

As they so accurately pointed out, I really enjoy this time.  I enjoy
  • writing
  • meeting the new people in the area
  • seeing the veterans of this great event
  • the enthusiasm that people have in the beginning
  • the surpise when their story takes a turn they didn't expect
  • the joy of crossing that 50K line
It is also exhausting as hell.  I am so tired now and the month isn't half over.  But it is very sad to realize that the month is nearly half over.

Tonight we had our first media event of the season (KCCI) at the write-in.  They interviewed a few people, watched a word sprint and took footage of Scooter's and the concentration of the authors.  It turns out that the reporter likes to write and the camera guys writes as well.  I invited them both to join and come to some write-ins with us.  I did that a few years ago with the reporter from City View that had interviewed us.  She was a wonderful writer.  Wonder where she is now.

Anyway, I am a very happy and tired camper.  I really had hoped to break the 40K mark tonight.  The story is in the final turning point, the action is about to peak.  The 1300 words I did get out tonight surprised the heck out of me again.  The muse does good work.


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