So, I've seen it several times now, and still want to watch it again. That's rare for me, but it is a good movie!
I won't say anything about the animation/looks except that it is very pretty. Cloud's hair is shorter... which sucks. Tifa is almost likeable. I don't care for the children, but they're not too bad. I wish Zack had more screen time, but it was surprising he was in there at all, considering he's -- you know, DEAD! -- and all. There was one scene that was soooo fake; I giggle every time I see it. I'm not a Loz fan, but he was amusing. Yazoo(sp?) was pretty. And Kadaj... well, it's sad Riku has to work two jobs since he had so little time in KH... Maybe he and Sora can shack up to split living costs. ;'P The music was nice, I look forward to adding it to my iPod.
My favorite scene is Cloud getting shot. Love it love it love it. Damn! Right through the back. I wish he had died, that would be so great! I'm a sad Cloud fangirl... I think Sephiroth/Cloud is one of my favorite pairings in any fandom. But I love seeing Cloud tortured. Cloud angst is so fun! If Square made a movie about his time in the lab, I would be jumping up and down to buy it. =D Second favorite scene was Loz's phone ringing the victory battle music. That was so much fun!
Final verdict... would watch again. And again. And again... XD