Dec 08, 2005 07:41
sorry all you giners and sausages, during my last acid trip, i od'd, and fuckin thought i was sXe. its alrigth though, im not, and i apologize if you killed yourself over it you emo bastard, if you were a pizza you would be an emo pizza and cut yourself. like marijuana says, "im green". yo it dont need make no sense bitch, im so high right now i can fly like an eagle, and undead eagle that just smoked some pot. exactly. i threw a cigarette at a lion, and he fuckin ate me. i cried for a little while, but after the heroin it was a mother fuckin PLEASANT dream, know what im sayin giner crotch? i ate my dead moms wart, cause i drove my house into a wall, no, wait, i drove my PHONE into a wall, now i leave in the air, im like a wet bird...a cute little wet bird...PENETRATE GINERS YA'LL!