And we're back…
Let's see how Lee really feels about Zarek being out, yeah?
Oh…my…Lee is less than thrilled. *alert…shallow fangirl moment* And he's damn hot when he's pissed *end shallow fangirl moment*
ACK! Lee...Gaeta is totally lying to you…the admiral is standing less than ten feet away in clueless wonderment.
Seriously…I think Gaeta is just as good at pushing buttons as Zarek. Planting that little bit of 'knowing the admiral'? Brilliant.
Lee! You do know your father…HE HAS NO IDEA ZAREK IS GONE!! Gaeta masterminded his escape…HE WON'T HELP YOU!! And um…yeah…he's not going to tell Adama you called either. ARGH!
Damn…Felix and Zarek pretty much thought of everything…including Lee's reaction to Tom strolling through the door on Colonial One. It's almost scary.
No…it IS scary.
And brilliant. I know…I'm as sick of typing it as you probably are reading it. But it's true. And just as Felix leaves Lee reeling, Zarek enters to knock him back even further…in that Leobenish way of mixing half truths with misinformation to get the desired result. Like this:
Zarek: Problems on the homefront?
Duh…like he doesn't know.
Zarek: I have to say, Lee, you don't seem particularly happy to see me.
Lee: I'm glad you're out. My father over-reached when he had you arrested. But I hope you changed your mind about the Cylon FTLs. We need those drives.
Zarek: At least the admiral thinks we do. Problem with you is that you're trying to have it both ways. Honor thy father and be true to your oath as the Caprican representative.
See…ZING! The frakker. Look at Lee's face…there's a bit of truth in Zarek's words…just enough to make Lee question himself.
Zarek: At some point the two don't mix.
Wow…gotta take a second to give kudos to MV again…his weaving of past themes and bits of dialog in a totally new way is awesome. Think back to Bastille Day and the introduction of the Lee/Zarek dynamic with the 'god of the hunt' speech. *nods* Yeah.
Zarek: Do you know why he released me? Because I'm only a threat if he recognizes civilian authority. I'm afraid our experiment in democracy is about to end.
Again…GAH! This is so marvelously twisted. Obviously Adama has no clue Zarek's even off the Galactica…and it's not the civilian authority that's threatened…it's the military one in the throes of a mutiny. TWISTED.
Zarek: Adama entertained it until now because of Roslin. But since she abdicated the throne…
Lee: No. He wouldn't do that.
Zarek: Really? Because he did it before. Tell me, what excuse did he give this time when he refused to take your call?
Grr…poke, poke, poke. But it's also a master stroke…because aside from Kara, Adama is the one clear hot button to Lee. Their past history is mined to perfection as Tom deftly draws on it to put Lee exactly where he wants him…on the way out the door…
Zarek: You're leaving?
Lee: For Galactica…to prove you wrong.
And in one fell swoop…Zarek has control of the Quorum back in his hands while effectively removing any and all opposition by sending Lee to a pit of vipers.
Seriously…scary shit.
Wow…Gaeta is playing Adama like a maestro. One little press of a button and they've got ship wide failure of communications…secondary is a no go and backups are down also. And the phantom fire is supposedly escalating…blah, blah, blah…but the system failures mean damage control can't relay info. Gaeta…you are one sly dude. Slick move cutting off eyes and ears…and looking damn smug about it, too.
0902 HRS - Flight Deck, Checkers Green
Hrm…interesting. Wonder if Skulls is just playing at contacting Galactica…like that's part of the plan. Yeah…I gotta think that's all for show.
Frak! Okay…definitely for show. Because DAMN! Lee is totally caught off guard when he steps off the Raptor since his attention is with Racetrack…asking what's being done about the downed comms. Lovely greeting he receives from Connor. Nothing like a punch to the gut by your former bartender to get a conversation started.
Lee: Whatever this is about, you're making a big mistake.
Connor: Oh sure. We're confused. Maybe we should have a trial to sort it all out.
Yep…Lee's got a good idea where things are headed.
Connor: After four years of fighting with those Cylon things, did you really think you could make a deal with them?
See…I love the look on Lee's face. It's like he gets it…but there's just nothing he can say. Of course the gun to his head is also a big ass incentive to keep his mouth shut, too.
Still on the fence with Racetrack…she's looking rather wary about what's going down right now. But she's also not offering any assistance to Lee and that makes me stabby.
Connor: So where are your precious Cylons now?
Heh…honestly? Connor's barking up the wrong tree with that one. Lee's never been the biggest Cylon fan…ever. But frak me if that makes a difference at the moment…cause Lee's thisclose to getting his head blown off.
Thank the gods for Kara…ScaryMarineDude gets his brains splattered instead of Lee. Gads…she rocks.
Kara: Take it from somebody who died once…it's no fun. Let him go.
Skulls: Frak you.
BANG! STFU and STFD. Skulls is out of commission. I'd say he's lucky she didn't provide a head shot for him, too.
Kara: I can do this all day. Who's next? Racetrack? Connor?
Yes…Connor…she means business.
Connor: Let him go.
Damn straight. And WHOA! Racetrack should be sporting scorch marks from the look Lee sends her way. She picked the wrong side on this one…but my thought is it shows Lee EXACTLY how fucked up everything is.
And yep…they do need to get the hell off the hangar deck. Seems to be a deadly place lately. Love that Lee has to say it twice…Kara's ready to kick ass…I don't think she cares whether they're outgunned or not…especially with her 'Follow me, please' as an indicator. It's actually kinda great to see that.
Connor…dude…I get you hate the Cylons. I understand you wanted Baltar to pay. I do…really. But it totally, massively, hugely blows that you find a home on Galactica and shit all over that hospitality by going gonzo batfrakked when things don't work out to your satisfaction.
Stick with playing Henry on Sanctuary…I like you on that show. Right now your death won't come soon enough for me.
Skulls…buddy…I used to think you were pretty cool. Not so much now. Maybe sickbay will still be uber busy and you'll bleed out…I'm just saying.
Maggie, my dear. If I find out Connor's little attempt at flirtation is the reason you joined this side…I'm so going to bitchslap you. HARD.
This crap sucks.
Um…yeah. This scene is cool in some ways and plain ass weird in others. If Hera can clearly draw pictures of Six in crayon…why can she not feed herself? I don't get that.
And I gotta say…I'm with people on the WTF is Helo thinking telling Sharon to finish up and get Hera to daycare when gunfire is heard so close to them. BUT…I think I know where they were going with that idea…he's a dad in that moment and doesn't want to upset the kid…so he's all 'everything is normal blah, blah, blah' but wow…the execution just sucks.
Doesn't matter anyway…cause they don't have time to do anything before they're rudely interrupted bye the Sunshine Crew…and yeah…I'd love to find a big ass vat of acid to drop them in. Nice throw back to all the Pegasus stuff though. Gage took great pleasure in reminding Helo of all the crap that went down there. And making it clear he can't wait to have a go at Sharon.
I have to wonder if Gaeta's epic fail relationship with an Eight plays into him siccing the Creepy Twins on Athena and Helo. And if it does? That's just whacked and twisted.
I love this next part.
0902 - Dry Stowage 5-3A-01
Lee: Skulls? Racetrack? Gods, I flew with them.
Yeah…think about that for a minute, right? From the time he left Colonial One…Lee's life was in danger. It's different when you have no clue.
Kara: Semper Frakking Fi. The way Connor was talking they've got people ready to move on every deck.
Yep…and they're all in play now. Fun times ahead.
Lee: The hangar deck is just a beachhead. They want the ship. Oh…Zarek played me just right.
MmHmm…like a maestro. Something Zarek is very, very good at.
Kara: He must've made some new friends.
Lee: Yeah, with a hell of a lot of firepower. Vipers, Raptors, gun batteries. You know we can't do this alone.
Truly…this is awesome…the magnitude of everything hits Lee and he goes into overthink mode, trying to strategize ahead. Kara's in the moment…and needs to pull Lee in with her.
What better way to do that than plant one on him?
Exactly. It makes him stop thinking and react.
Because she's not wrong…her 'right now all we can count on is just you and me' is dead on. Following that up with telling Lee to take a breath…'feels good to be alive doesn't it' tells us she's in the game. She's got the fight she seemed to want AND her Partner in All Things Great…so who needs all the other angsty bullshit right now?
I'm sure Lee asking what the hell was up with that kiss probably threw certain factions of fandom into a tizz…but I thought it was perfect. I mean we haven't seen them interact since he told her Dee was dead…and one of the first things she does, after saving his ass, is grab him for a kiss?
The quirky questioning look on his face…like he's not sure it actually happened is cool, IMO. And when Kara is all 'Hmm…feelin' right for the first time in weeks' it's like he totally gets it and completely agrees.
Frankly…it's damned awesome, IMO.
Because he jumps right on board and the rest is what sucks everyone who love the Lee/Kara dynamic in…the flawlessly smooth, have each other's backs while finishing each other's sentences, communicating by thought alone vibe that they do so well.
Lee asks about his dad…where is he? CIC when comms crapped out…answered while handing over a sidearm…Okay…he wouldn't give up without a fight. The President? Kara doesn't know where she is…but they're in motion now…and anyone against them better get out of the way.
Beautiful. : )
0908 HRS - CIC
Heh…Tigh slays me. 'What do they have down there…a forest fire?' He wants his damage reports now, dammit.
Oh…Hoshi…I'm so glad you're not in on the coup. You keep those accurate reports coming.
Yeah…Gaeta…you keep slinging the slop. If their sensors are compromised all their readings are suspect. No comms=no verification. I'm getting kinda pissed that he's got an answer for everything.
Hrm…Adama is tired of being blind. Jaffe gets to double time it down to C-Deck…get the reports…haul ass back. Gaeta is NOT pleased. His jig is just about up.
Ohhh…yeah…I think I'm going to actively and vocally enjoy Gage's death. *LOL* Dumping Helo on the deck like a dead animal…then going all menacing and creepy on Sharon…yeah…he can't die soon enough.
Yes…I'm aware she's a Cylon…but even when she was considering mutiny on Demetrius she never actively tried to hurt anyone. Or bash their head in…or threaten to violate them. The only thing she did was hold Kara back long enough for Shiny to shoot Gaeta…which is probably why Gaeta is pissed at her…even though she was ON HIS SIDE then. *snorts*
Okay…good to know CapricaSix thinks they're going to be killed. Randomly weird dialog for the win.
Wow. Kudos to Shiny for helping out when he's busted up himself.
This is interesting:
CapricaSix: Don't you see…our children represent everything that the humans hate. With resurrection gone, the thought that the Cylon race can survive through natural procreation…it terrifies them.
Er…honestly? I doubt they're even thinking about that at the mo…they hate Cylons BECAUSE they're Cylons…duh.
Sharon: Enough. You're scaring her.
Explain to me why Sharon doesn't go apeshit that Caprica decides to hover over Hera…she shot Natalie for just talking to her, you know?
Sharon: Right now…they need us alive. To use as bargaining chips against the rebel Cylons. [To Shiny] Especially you.
Shiny: Look…if you're expecting some grand wisdom, you can forget it. I don't have any more answers than you do.
Sharon: Well you might want to keep that to yourself.
Oddly…it amuses me that it still ends up being All About Shiny…even when he doesn’t intend it to be. *LOL*
WooHoo! Asskicking Lee and Kara just make me happy.
0913 HRS - Deck F Corridor 6
Watching the Partners in All Things Great meander through the ship amid the huddled civilians just trying to stay out of the way and at least one dead deckhand (maybe the one who kissed Figurski in Revelations??) along with trying to dodge whatever side isn't theirs is made of win.
I love how it's filmed…cause you just never know what's around the next corner…friend or foe…yet Lee and Kara have silent communication down to a flawless science. I mean…they don't speak…there's just a look…a nod…then darting out to the unknown.
It's damned cool to watch.
0922 - CIC
Ohh…Gaeta exchanging a look with a kinda creepy looking CIC officer is probably not a good thing. I don't like the look he just shot Hoshi either. HOSHI BETTER NOT BE IN ON IT.
And here comes a breathless Jaffe…guess what? THERE IS NO FIRE. The equipment's been jury rigged.
Sergeant of the guard…get your marines in here. Nobody gets in or out.
Frak me. Gaeta made his move.
Damn right Adama wants to know what the hell Gaeta's doing. It's frakking tense. Who's aiming their weapons at whom, you know?
Wow…it's getting even more tense:
Apparently that pisses off AngerManagement Marine Dude…Maldonado…cause he cocks his weapon and opens fire directly at Adama!! Tigh and Jaffe both go for the admiral and in the ensuing firefight between dueling marines…Jaffe goes down in a hail of bullets.
And it pisses me off. A) We didn't get a chance to know him…but I thought he was cool in ADitL and B) Frakking Gaeta is too damn slow to stop it. GRRR.
Oh…NOW Gaeta tells them to cease fire and that nobody fires except on his order. DUMBASS…that should've been made clear from the beginning. Although…here's a thought…maybe Anger Boy was firing on Zarek's order. Hmmm…I could totally buy that. And I hope we never know for sure…cause I like that.
He still needs to die though. : )
This…is excellent. A pissed off Adama is a force to be reckoned with:
Gaeta: Admiral…get your staff to stand down.
[Adama checks for Jaffe's pulse]
Tigh: You son of a bitch.
Adama: Stand down Colonel. Everyone…stand down.
Um yeah, Felix…people die when you don't have total control. And you NEVER have total control when Zarek is involved. And hell frakking yeah people ducked for cover…they're NOT stupid.
Adama: You killed this boy.
Gaeta: Admiral Adama, I am removing you from command of this ship. I am taking you into custody on the charge of treason.
Adama: You swore an oath when you put that uniform on. You pledged to defend this ship and her crew.
Gaeta: You swore the same allegiance. What happened to your oath? For seven years I have done my frakking job and for what? To take orders from a Cylon? To let machines network out ship? You…You are not the leader that you were when you started. You're just a sad, old man that has let his heart and his affection for a Cylon cloud his judgment.
Okay…I've got something to say before we get to Adama's rageilicious response…
Here's the thing. The really hard thing. I do see the valid point of Gaeta's concern, worry, etc, etc,. BUT…he's not thinking everything through. A lot of that is Gaeta's personal issues…and he's entitled…but to point his finger at Adama and cry that he's not the leader he was when he started is whacked.
NONE of them are the same. They couldn't possible be…not after everything that's happened. And to go a step further…Gaeta can say Adama is a sad, old man blah, blah, blah…all he wants, but he'd better take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Because it can also be said that Felix is a sniveling junkie who has let his drug habit and the sweet nothings of a master manipulator cloud HIS judgment. Not to mention his association with the Cylons during the occupation under Baltar's administration which has apparently made him batshit insane. Sweet little Felix ain't exactly the fresh faced Lieutenant he was when he started either.
He can point the finger at Adama all he wants, but the adage that he's got four more pointing back at himself plays here in a big way. IMO, Gaeta wants to be heard…but that's never going to happen now. EVER.
Which leads me to…Adama's rage fueled response:
Adama: I want you ALL to understand this. If you do this…there will be no forgiveness. No amnesty. This boy died honoring his uniform. You…you'll die with nothing.
Gaeta, my man…you're the walking dead.
Not that it does any good…Felix orders the senior staff into custody…and YAY Hoshi is one that gets led away. He can do better than Gaeta anyway.
I LOVE that Adama's death glare kept the marines from physically escorting him out. Hell, I'm surprised Gaeta didn't croak it on the spot.
Yeesh…I think I need a drink…
Yeah, yeah…I'm being hard on Gaeta…even when I do see the validity of his argument/issue/dilemma. I think it's because his self-righteous ravings piss me off…especially when he's not innocent of collaborating (sort of) himself.
And I get that he's been beat back, kicked down, shot up, tried, convicted and almost airlocked…etc, etc, etc ad nausea…but from where I sit…so has everyone else. (Okay…maybe not everyone has been shot up…but you know what I mean, yeah?) So…eh…he needs to get a grip and shut the frak up. Grr.
0925 HRS
Yikes…that's a helluva a lot of spent shell casings in the corridor…and Lee and Kara are stealthily trying to make their way through it.
Frak…gunfire…shouts…and no marines outside Adama's quarters. No shit it's not right.
Geez…tense moment when Roslin throws the hatch open. Criminy…I'm freaking out. *LOL*
But hey…she's dressed…has the wig on…gotta say I'm happy she's not curled up on the floor again.
Okay…who else thinks it's ironic that once again…Kara's got a gun…entering Adama's quarters…with Roslin? Just me? Figures.
This is interesting:
Lee: There's been an uprising
In case the gunfire and screaming didn't give it away. Um…or the blood on Lee's face and shirt. Oh…and the gun in his hand.
Lee: I'm not sure how many of the crew are involved. It is wide spread.
Yeah…some good people got sucked in…that's for sure.
Roslin: Your father must know about this. Can't the marines stop it?
Mmm…right. Not when Gaeta…the sly frakker…has everything locked down tight.
Lee: Well there should've been marines outside that hatch. Madam President…we're in danger of losing this ship.
Roslin: Oh my gods. Bill.
Lee: Yeah, I don't know. Without comm we can't get through to CIC. But it is bigger than Galactica. Zarek's already back on Colonial One…he wants the presidency.
Roslin: Of course. Frakking Zarek. He always had dangerous ideas.
See…look at Kara's face here…more on this is a bit.
Lee: It's not too late to stop this. Address the fleet. Call for calm. People will listen to you.
Oh…Lee, my man…I think you overestimate Roslin's ability…two weeks ago…maybe the people would have listened. Now? Not so much.
Roslin: I'll do whatever it takes. And I will not allow Tom Zarek to assume the presidency under any circumstances. I have an idea about the wireless…let's go.
Yeah…where the fuck was this woman when Zarek and Gaeta were planning all this shit? I'm with Kara…the whole 'DUH…you're just now realizing this' look on her face says it all. I seriously wanted to throw stuff at the TV when Roslin said she'll do whatever it takes.
Oh…that's right…she was curled on the floor feeling defeated and depressed. Then she was all bouncy and giddy and giggly and flirty and basking in the post coital glow. *smacks forehead* Stupid of me to forget.
And yeah…there was a time, maybe even when she stepped off the Raptor after arriving back from earth, when a few calm words from Roslin probably could have stopped the situation.
But now?
No frakking way.
It SLAYS me that she thinks she won't allow Zarek to assume the presidency. Excuse me? She all but walked away from it, leaving a huge ass vacuum of power for Zarek to suck right up. He's not going to have to assume the presidency…she's practically handed it to him at this point. Because honestly? What the flaming hell did she really think he would do? Let her have her little vacation and NOT try to grab the power?
The part that REALLY pisses me off is her statement that Zarek has ALWAYS had dangerous ideas. No fucking shit. She KNOWS this, yet didn't have something in place to keep him in check? Right now…she's very much reaping what she's sown. And my desire to reach in and bitchslap her was VERY strong while watching.
All that said…once I get past the ranting and raging about how damn stupid and self-indulgent she's been the rational part of my brain completely understands that she needed the kick in the ass. And hey…at least Adama's life being in jeopardy allows her to really get it back together and dig down deep enough to pick up the mantle of leadership she pretty much tossed by the wayside during her woe is me pity party.
I'm glad something did. I kinda need Roslin to be with it…you know?
And with that happy thought…BEEP! Yeah, yeah…there's a part 3 this time. *LOL*