Happy early spring. We have the first tornado watch of the season this evening.
I am having some cat problems, as in I have a cough and didn't want him lying on my chest and he got pissy when I made him get off and bit me. All I did was kind of sit up and pet him on his side which is what I usually do when I want him to get off me. And he did get off, but then he sat looking at me for a moment, very angrily, then *chomp* He is (at least temporarily) completely banned from the bedroom.
peach1250, we'll need to figure out what to do about this when you're cat sitting, because he is absolutely *not* going to bite you. I think it's clearly my fault and I need to spend the next 3 - 4 weeks re-establishing dominance, but I'm not sure if he'll be allowed back in the bedroom even after that. He is not going to like this. Wish me luck!
Weekend Movies:
This was a fairly good suspense movie, with some very good acting from Harrison Ford, Virginia Madsen and Paul Bettany. Bettany especially pulls of the cold-hearted thief role very well, which is a nice contrast to some of the other roles he's played. The movie does have a few drawbacks. The main one is that the plan is far to complicated to be believable and the ending's pretty ridiculous. It's also a role Harrison Ford has played perhaps a few too many times, though he does play it well. Robert Patrick and Alan Arkin have small, but interesting roles. In summary, it's an okay movie but not a great one and worth watching mainly for the lead character's acting skills.
The Sum of Us
A fun and slightly quirky Australian romantic comedy, with Russell Crowe as a young gay plumber who lives with his dad. Both of them are looking for love and companionship. Unfortunately, I fell asleep part of the way into it (because I am not feeling well and on medicine, not because the movie wasn't entertaining). I enjoyed what I saw of it, and I wonder why Russell Crowe's never given credit for having the nerve to play a gay character. The father and son's relationship may be a bit too idyllic to reflect reality, but it's a lovely, charming and refreshing take on non-traditional families I also found the breaking of the fourth wall a little intrusive, but not so much that I wouldn't watch it again. At any rate, this movie, was cute, fun, and engaging and I recommended to all of you, though especially to the slash fans on my f-list. Also, Russell Crowe in rugby shorts. Reviews on the IMDB claim it's hard to find, but
it is available via netflix and well worth adding to your queue.
A Room with a View
Yes, I finally got around to seeing this. It's a very pretty movie.
I really didn't feel there was much chemistry between Lucy and George or Lucy and Cecil. I didn't dislike either couple, just didn't feel the spark. I did find I like Daniel Day Lewis in this movie quite a bit more than I usually do, though I'm still not crazy about him. But he did seem to be less tall and thin in this and creep me out a lot less.
I did end up with two very strong ships from this movie:
George Emerson/Freddy Honeychurch and
Charlotte Bartlett/Eleanor Lavish!!! OMG!
My favorite scenes in the movie were Charlotte and Eleanor wandering around Italy and gossiping. I could watch Maggie Smith and Judi Dench work together for days and days on end. They are magnificent. I like them both very much on their own, but between this movie and Ladies in Lavender I am such a huge fan of them together.
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton
This was a fairly good romantic comedy with a pretty cast. It's not quite a teen movie, but not quite not a teen movie. It's also very predictable. It's most memorable to me because American Gothic's Gary Cole is in it, in a very small but kind of funny role. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with it, but no real reason to seek it out.