Project Runway
Meh, denim. Even more meh, Levi’s denim. I wear jeans and I’ll wear a conservative denim skirt, but it’s one of my least favorite fabrics. There’s no *sparkle* or *twirl* to it.
I don’t understand why they had to go to the Port Authority. The jeans could have been anywhere. Why put them in a dirty warehouse? And worst of all, why make them run to get their materials again. They did that first episode. And it’s always unfair to Chris.
I had to laugh over Weeping Rickey winning. I guess my loathing and detestation of him are his good luck charm. I will try my hardest to start liking him so he gets eliminated next week. That said, I did think his dress was okay. I didn’t think it was anything all that special, but of all of the outfits he’s made on this show, that was clearly the best.
Still, Christian should have won. And I also preferred Sweet P’s dress to Rickey’s. The judges were absolutely right about Sweet P’s dress. It has slimming magic. Christians was the most innovative, but it did have one problem. I can only see girls with an absolutely perfect slim figure getting away with wearing those jeans made from sleeves.
I feel asleep for about 10 minutes in the middle and missed Sweet P’s wedding dress, darn it. I heard it was cute. I’ll try to catch it on the reruns.
Jillian must have had the coat from last week still stuck in her brain and body memory.
Chris March had the best line of the show with, “Give him a bottle and send him to bed.” I think Christians hilarious, but that line was perfect.
Everyone seems to be showing some fatigue and crankiness at this point.
Now, for the fun stuff. I was spoiled and knew Victorya was going to be eliminated, but I would have known anyway just from the awful excuse for a dress she made. The real problem with it is that she actually didn’t do anything design-wise, just stuck a tacky, ugly skirt onto an existing jacket. The really fun part is what I heard in the spoilers thread at TWoP about her elimination. Apparently Little Miss Victorya was the villain of the show, though I think Prima Donna is a better term. I have read that she had a massive hissyfit on the runway when she was eliminated and then stormed off. It allegedly took them hours to find her and get her to come back and finish filming. I was skeptical until I saw the show last night, but now I’m convinced. I think that was a re-filming of the whole thing. It was glaringly obvious that Victorya not only suspected, but knew that she’d been eliminated from the second they were on the runway. She started crying almost immediately, though it is fairly subtle crying. And she looked angry the whole time. I thought that at times the other designers (especially Rami and Chris March) looked like they were acting through it a second time, as well. Some of the close ups (especially Rickey’s weepy thankfulness and Christian’s bitchface) seemed genuine. I’d accuse Rickey of over-acting, but I think he just really is like that. So, that’s the Victorya story. I really can’t wait to see the reunion show. This show already has the cattiest reunion show on the air, and if the things I’m hearing about Victorya (and some other things I’ve heard) are true, it is going to be spectacular!
God help me! I’m starting to like Howie Mandel!