Well, sort of. The question posed to Sanjaya last night was kind of fun, and I am in the mood to do something interactive. So, let’s play sort of fantasy AI. Pick any non-AI contestant (Cher, Placido Domingo, Ryan Seacrest, JK Rowling, your great grandmother, me, yourself, whoever) and choose which songs you’d like to hear them sing on the following theme nights (these are the AI themes we’ve had so + next week’s and an open slot):
Week 1: British Invasion
Week 2: Songs that might be on Gwen Stefani’s iPod
Week 3: Songs that might be on Tony Bennett’s iPod
Week 4: Latin
Week 5: Country
Week 6: Inspirational songs
Week 7: Open! Anything goes!
You can answer for as many non-AI competitors as you’d like, and pick and choose among the weeks, if you want to.
Edited: Alternatively, y'all can name a person and I'll try to come up with songs for them to sing.