Partly frozen slushy cream soda. Mmmmmmm.
One of my asclepias (butterfly weed) seeds germinated! It's the first of all the asclepias seeds I've planted for two or three years now to germinate!
There is a bird nesting in a bush outside my home office window. D is completely enthralled by this development.
Amazing Race and the repeat of last week's America's Next Top Model are on tonight! I will miss the first hour of ANTM but that's okay because it's just the auditions.
Jacob's recaplet of last week's AI results on TWOP. (The results were sad, but the recaplet of them is so good!)
It occurs to me that it would have been hilarious if there were a fast forward in last week's leg of TAR, which was set in Chile, and it was "Go to Santiago and find the real SV_Maria."
It was supposed to be cold, and it is a little chilly, but really it's been another pretty day and I got the patio cleaned up more and most of the perennials are doing really well and I think one of the clematis plants has a little shoot poking up from the soil.