Gardening, OotP Movie

Feb 27, 2007 16:09

Brief Gardening Update
Lots happening, but I will try to be brief.

Petunias - all doing very well, and all have true leaves now. They’re really ready to be transplanted, but I don’t have my compost yet.

Geranium cuttings - also doing very well. They’ve got baby leaves coming out, so I think they are rooting okay

Rose - has pretty much recovered from its Big Lots ordeal. It’s covered in new growth.

Tiger kitten begonia - doesn’t seem to be doing much, so I moved it out of the light. I keep forgetting they’re shade lovers.

Sunday before last I planted a bunch of odds and ends seeds in the third biodome. There was salvia and hollyhock and a couple of other things. I don’t remember what I planted where now, but several of them have come up. The one thing that hasn’t is the butterfly weed. I can never get those seeds to germinate. Most of the other seeds have, though, including some itty bitty teeny seedlings you can barely see. I hope I can figure out what they are. They are so precious and delicate.

Calloway’s delivered my soil on Saturday (and rang the doorbell, scaring poor D), so this past Sunday I finally got some lettuce planted outside. It was a big chore, because I couldn’t get the potting soil to absorb water. Finally got it done, though and have my fingers crossed that some of the seeds will germinate. I’ve grown cut’n’come again lettuce types successfully, but never head lettuce. The ones I’ve planted are midget sized boston and romaine types.

Brief OotP Movie Comments -

How the heck is getting all these pictures from OotP?! Not that I’m complaining, of course. I’m just filled with curiousity as to what their inside link is.


I can’t figure out why Harry is sitting in a classroom with Gred and Forge and Umbridge watching over them. Detention doesn’t make sense, as all Harry’s detentions were alone, IIRC. But in GoF there was that study hall scene and maybe TPTB have decided that study hall is now movie canon.

Gred and Forge have wonderful, shorter slightly layered hair ZOMG. They look so much better! I want to hug and kiss whoever decided the ugly long hair would be gone for this movie. Whoever it is has incredibly good taste!!! Squeee!

Any other short-hair fans among us?

*crickets chirp*

That’s okay. As long as I get short hair it’s all good.

ootp movie, hp, gardening, hp movies

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