[update] my life is your faith in me;

Dec 16, 2011 04:09

her: people love you <3
me: i know
me: it makes me cry
me: like my heart is fit to burst
me: this year was a good year
me: it went by, really quickly
me: but this was a really good year
her: you see how precious you are to everyone?
her: never forget that
me: never
me: never again
me: it just
me: idk
me: you guys see me
me: you really _see me_
me: that means so much
me: haha noey such a ball of weepy
me: always a ball of flail and weepy
her: :)

me: i want it
me: really badly, sis
me: i want to make it
me: so badly
her: you WILL have it sis
her: i know it

I remember when Sis and I were high school brats passing letters to each other between periods because we could never seem to get the class lottery right. We were never in each other's classes in high school, never in the same groups when it came to the batch camping trip or whatever else. It makes me think a little about the rest of us; about the way the Universe has contingency plans because oh no, they have FOUND EACH OTHER.

Whenever I think of live musc in open spaces, it is always that evening in our senior year when she tells me to look up because she saw a falling star. We are both tired and come Monday we will have no voices to speak up in class. And in the midst of all that bittersweetness because we are fighting a little war between ourselves; a war that hurts because we love each other so much... I am happy. Happy to sit with her on the steps right outside the college department. Happy to rest my head on her shoulder.

We have had ridiculous ups and downs. There was even a time that we went without talking to each other for months. At one time, even more than a year. I have felt the whole range of emotions, both good and bad and we have raged at each other and cried buckets of tears and looked into our own abysses and come out alright.

And tonight she is at work and I am at home, but talking to her in a way that marries late night phone conversations that our parents used to yell at us because don't you girls have school tomorrow it is already past 3am and the letters we would pen to each other.

My half sits on the bookshelf, in a box that supports all my Holly Black books. I am not sure if Ketsana washed away the letters I gave her. I hope not, but that's a lot to hope for.

Today is a good day. The roosters are crowing in the distance and I swear, this neighborhood does not know the meaning of silence in the early hours (there goes a recording opportunity lost again because people keepn on vroom vrooming at three am). But yes. Today is a good day, even if the sun isn't up yet.

I should sleep soon. Presents shopping in Makati later and dinner with Judith either before/during/after the lights show in Ayala Triangle.

this is my life, picspam, lol twitter wat, sismylove, things i need to say

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