[the birthday tag] dreams could change this world;

Dec 15, 2011 02:07

This comes late, because work sucks and my memory is even worse haha. But like they say, better late than never -- and somewhere in the world it is still the 14th.

Let's pretend I'm in a different timezone for the duration of this post.

My darling, dearest, beautiful bbgirl Marsky,

It's been less than a year since we were introduced but in the short span of time that I have been given the opportunity to get to know you bit by little bit, one thing is clear:

You are an inspiration and I am so privileged to have you in my life.

I am so proud of you, bbgirl. There are actually no words to express just how proud I am of all that you have accomplished. I just know that my heart feels fit to burst. You are a trooper, my love -- don't let anyone else tell you different. And when doubt sets in and you feel unsure, just remember that evening in Katipunan and then think about today. Right here and right now. Nothing ever worth having comes easy. More often, we lose sleep over the things that matter most to us; those dreams we cannot give up on. And if there is anything I am sure of, it is that you will get yours because you work hard and play even harder.

I linked this video on Plurk the other day, but I think it's only right that I link it again given the message of the song. Truth: I was listening to this on the way home from work tonight and I thought of you. We dreamers have to stick together. This is why we are family.

image Click to view

I love you. Very, very much. Happy, happy birthday, my love.


i acquire family members now shush, my babbus, the birthday tag, m-m-marsky fyes

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