[update] in memoriam;

Sep 11, 2011 16:30

Ten years ago some hours from now, I was at home, ready to turn in for the night. I remember distinctly that I was channel surfing when I stopped at a news recap on CNN of a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. For a moment, I could do nothing but stare and wonder if I was seeing the news wrong. Things like that - someone ramming a plane into a city skyscraper - it’s something you only think in terms of fiction or movies. When I walked into my parents room to say quietly: “Someone crashed a plane into the Twin Towers,” I remember that my dad rushed past me to check the news.

I’ve never been to New York, but I do hope that one day I get the opportunity to experience the city for myself. I have family who has been there, have known friends who’ve visited that city and/or have lived there. In fact, my dad has a photograph taken from one of the floors of the Twin Towers about 25 years ago when work brought him stateside. We were actually just talking about that picture a few weeks back; he was telling my youngest brother about how you’d never get a shot like that again because now those towers are gone in a way that you never would have thought.

My Tumblr dash has been awash with tributes, but of all of the one’s I’ve seen so far, this is the one post that made me stop and decide to click the reblog button.

Taking this moment to remember not only the lives lost in 9/11, but all the lives lost this year because of the senseless inclination of some people to hurt others. Ten years after the fact and I still don’t get it. How can anyone justify this kind of loss of life?

crossposted from my Tumblr; original photos and text by jetgirl78 found here

this is my life, tumblr tumblr tumblr, remember this, musings, event: 9/11, things i need to say

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