[update] i'm in peace, i feel sweetly released / from all that i couldn't let go;

Jul 06, 2011 07:06

Have I mentioned I really love my brothers?
lol Neal, you spelled weird wrong tho? :x

Quick update! Just wanted to say that I have been up about since 5am and am now broadcasting to you all from my new laptop.

(I need to tire myself out by 1pm and crash for the good of me being functional at work later tonight! /)_(\ /what is resetting body clock asdlfkjh)

BUT YES. Hi, everyone! Say hello to Seiichi~ (that was taken yesterday at the shop where I got him) He is awesome and win and totally PWNs LIFE. and thus the icon for this post is utterly relevant For those interested, my baby's specs can be found here. Not on Lunix though. We've arranged for me to be on Win7, which will be handled by Dad later this afternoon while I sleep. :) Shiny is shiny is shiny~ \o\

Cutting off here! Proper update SOON. I PROMISE.

this is my life, wherein i acquire the troika, flailing noey is not cute, for the love of rikkai

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