(Oh, it feels very good to write that down.)
My days off have been moved to something a bit more reasonable. The shift is still the same (9am-6pm), and I still end up going in on Sundays, but for the most part, I am happy with having Friday and Saturday off this month.
Took the day for myself and have done nothing but putter about the comm on DW, straightening things out and adding bits and pieces here and there. There is a to-do list that I need to deal with before the 20th rolls around and the ZyRiKang trio descends upon my house for an extended weekend of utter lulz, but I have enough time. I know this because I've set a time table for myself such a nerd, Noey.
Tomorrow I'm getting up early and quite possibly dragging
Neal bodily to Galleria with me. It's Free Comicbook Day and while I haven't really been keeping up with the developments on that front (Nate says he's looking forward to the new Marvel Arc though but work and my obsessions, yes well, uh... has kind of eaten my life), it'll be a great opportunity to meet up with friends: a.k.a.
Khan & co.
There is, of course, talk of watching Thor (and
Mags will be joining us at this point), but we'll be working out whether we go to MCC first and watch the movie last, or immerse ourselves in the movie first and then just drop by MCC afterwards. I have a personal preference for the latter because that way, we can all kick back and relax and maybe catch an early (or late, whatever floats the boat really) dinner.
It feels good to kick back and relax for a day. I know I had my transitional day off last Tuesday, but it honestly didn't feel like much even if I did get to kick back and do very little. I guess it all comes down to the fact that getting to stay home on a weekend (or the day before it) is so much different than say, having my days off smack right in the middle of the working week.
It could chalk it up to a purely psychological thing, because you get the same number of days to work and rest (5 and 2, for those of you who don't know). Still, after nearly 5 years experience in the workforce, I can't deny that the world does slow down come Friday.
There are a bunch of things going on right now that I'd like to talk about but really can't. Not here anyway.
I haven't had backslides or prolonged bad days for quite some time now and I've found that talking things through isn't as difficult as it used to be. Surprisingly, there's this little ball of ethereal something in the middle of my chest that may be hope (and heaven forbid, optimism), which is something I am marvelling at because given certain new developments in RL, I'd normally shut down.
Maybe its because I've been laughing, quite honestly, every day this month. But whatever it is, and to everyone who's helped contribute to it: Thanks. Really.
And now before I get all stupidly mushy, I shall head off and join
Em on Plurk because we need to properly rage on the atrocities of bad styling for the new Peacemaker Kurogane Stageplay.
Be well, bbs ♥